Monday, November 9, 2020

The Man of the Hour

 If things play out as described in my previous post, then the entire election will come to five votes on the Supreme Court. 

The consensus among Trump supporters is that Chief Justice John Roberts is not a dependable vote. He is the Mitt Romney of the court. He would gladly be the deciding vote that ends the Trump Presidency. Roberts was on track to write the majority opinion of the court in this still-unknown deciding case, until September 18, when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. 

The conservative majority on the court is 5-4 at the moment:

Clarence Thomas. Nominated by George H.W. Bush. in 1991.

Samuel Alito. Nominated by George W. Bush. From my small, tiny understanding and knowledge, Alito is the Justice who, petitioned by the Trump campaign on election night, issued the order forcing Pennsylvania to obey its own state law to segregate mail-in ballots received after the cutoff. We don't know if they did that. If so, it will easy to throw these ballots out and Trump will win Pennsylvania most likely. If not, it is a huge f@ck you to the Supreme Court and to Alito personally. I don't know enough about the law to speculate much, but I have heard others with better knowledge say that Alito would not have issued this order unless they had presented evidence to him that it was necessary to do so, and get the Supreme Court to act. So the Supreme Court is already involved.

Neil Gorsuch -- nominated by Trump. Considered  by Democrats to be invalidly holding "Merrick Garland's seat."

Brett Kavanaugh--- nominated by Trump. He was lynched worse than Thomas at his hearings by a posse of Democrats that included Kamala Harris.

Amy Coney Barrett -- stepping into her moment of history in her first days on the court.

Pray hard for all these people, that God gives wisdom and grace in the moment that they will need it.

The effective Chief Justice of the Court is Thomas. He is a man who has been waiting for his moment in history for a long time.  Right now, if he retired, he would be remembered mostly for the viscous assault on his character during his confirmation hearings, that portrayed him as rapist. Who led those attacks on him, that ruined his reputation? Joe Biden.

Thomas will possibly have the chance to be one of the most pivotal court figures in history. We just had an attempt, James Bond in scope, to steal an entire American Presidential election. Do you think Thomas and the others above want to go down in history as letting this happen, especially as the Democrats have promised to increase the size of the Supreme Court itself? Or do you think they might want to be remembered as the Court that saved the Republic, that stepped into its role in history as the Constitution was designed? I am not a legal scholar, not a Constitutional scholar by any means. But I know history very well. And I know people.

The left has been screaming for four years that Trump is racist with no Black support. That was just proven wrong in the last election. Trump did well among Black men. The Left is gobsmacked by this but no one on our side is surprised. Only that it wasn't bigger.. Meanwhile the Black city machines of four cities (Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee) were used in a coordinated flagrant attempt to hijack the Republic. How cool would it be, for a descendant of slaves, to save the country at this hour of history?

Don't know if any of this will happen.  Maybe we won't even need this court case I've described. Just putting the pieces and facts together so that things will make better sense to me, when they do play out.  It will be probably be a surprise to everyone. But I feel more confident than ever that Trump will prevail, and my eyes are filling with tears just thinking about the possibility...Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the majority...

Clarence Thomas was born in 1948 in Pin Point, Georgia, a small, predominantly Black community near Savannah founded by freedmen after the Civil War. He was the second of three children born to M.C. Thomas, a farm worker, and Leola Williams, a domestic worker. They were descendants of American slaves, and the family spoke Gullah as a first language. (Wikipedia)

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