Monday, November 16, 2020

James Bond Meets 1776

 I knew on Friday that this week was going to be a big week. But because of the statements from Sidney Powell and others over the weekend, we start off much further down the road of awareness and revelation of the crime than I had anticipated at the start of the weekend.

Suffice it to say that everywhere I look at the communications from Team Trump, and people on the edges, I see growing solid confidence coupled with assertions that what we are going to learn will be like an earthquake of great magnitude, one that will leave no doubt about the scope of the crime and the true outcome of the election. The idea that they will not win this is ludicrous.

How will this shown to the nation? How will this being proven in court? I don't know. I trust Team Trump to do it. But never have I been more confident of victory. Of course I am eager to see how it turns out, but the nail-biting part is over. Staring into the abyss, as I did several times in the first week of this, is over. 

We are at a 1776-level event at the moment, to be sure. We are also in a real-life James Bond take-over-the-world attempt. Were it not for the fact that our President is 007 George Washington, we would be toast. Fortunately for, the bad guys don't stand a chance.

I enjoyed the video from Pierre Trudeau over the weekend, speaking smugly about the Great Reset that can now happen. The pandemic gives us a chance to remake the world economy, he says. You can almost see his thoughts, that he will be the effective Globalist Governor of North America. The Dominion of Canada---yeah, we get it.  Ha ha. The Crown finally wins the War of 1812. America is blunted and confined, integrated as province in the Global Order. Why do I have a feeling the tangles of this crime will lead to people close to Trudeau?

It's impossible to imagine where we are going to be a couple days from now. Heck we may be there at the end of today, as. I write this. I will not speculate at this point, as I would be wrong. I know next to nothing about how the court cases will happen, so I won't opine on that. Suffice it to say that I'm confident that they know what they are doing.

Likewise with Georgia. What will happen there by Friday? By then we will be a different world than we are now, perhaps. Let us all say a prayer for the nation, for the President and those on his team, and repent of the inattention towards our Republic, that allowed all this to happen, and to thank God that we are provided with exactly the right leadership at this moment.

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