Friday, November 20, 2020

Best of Both Worlds

Over the past couple years folks have often whimsically put forth the notion that Donald Trump has access to a time machine. The gag is supported by the fact that his uncle John Trump was a physicist who supposedly was gifted the unused esoteric patents of the famous inventor Nicola Tesla. I can't vouch for that last part, as I've never looked into it. 

Certainly it has seemed at times that Trump did indeed have such time travel powers, although I think personally it is just that he operates at such a level of genius that it seems like he has a time machine.

I thought about this idea this morning while having my free pancake breakfast in the Gold Dust West Casino in Carson City. One good thing about casino hotel breakfast rooms is that they don't have televisions blaring CNN at full volume. Casinos don't like people distracted by television. So I was able to meditate in thoughts as I drank my coffee without the evil wizard power being blared at me.

I thought about how before the election I had talked to one of my friends who formerly was a strong Trump supporter, but who somewhat lost his mind (partially through arsenic poisoining) and now hates everyone in politics. This partially because he felt betrayed that Trump had not busted the bad guys up until then. He turned and became one of the mockers of Trump for not arresting people. He asserted that he wanted Biden to win because America deserved it. We deserved Kamala Harris, AOC, etc. We deserved tyranny.

I admit that in the days after the election, I had moments of doubt, as I mentioned, looking into the abyss, where I had thoughts somewhat along the same lines. I thought: I guess America needs to see what slavery looks like. But that was before it became obvious to me and others that Trump had busted them "bang to rights" as Wictor says, and there is no doubt that all will be exposed, and that Trump will be reinaugurated on Janurary 20. This outcome has become only more obvious to me with each passing day.

Yet somehow, because of the way this is being stage managed by Trump, by letting the media and the Democrats wallow in the hollow fruit of their crime for a few weeks, we are being gifted a clear solid glimpse into the alternative future in which Biden actually did get elected President on November 3. It's not a pretty look. to say the least. We are already hearing thought-balloons coming out about "permanent lockdowns" and "lifelong mask wearing." We are seeing how Biden would surrender the nation to foreign powers. We are seeing how there will a crackdown and complete censorship on the (at least) seventy-three million who voted for Trump (the actual number is probably much higher, as we will learn). We are realizing that we would never again have fair elections. We would have lost our freedom as a nation. If I didn't know it was all going to go poof very soon, it would be very scary. It's still scary to think how close we veered to this.

All this feels a bit like a movie about time travel, or an alternative reality, where the characters jumps into a dystopia and have to find their way back to normal reality, thankful that they live in the actual timeline. 

We would never have gotten this glimpse if Trump had stopped the crime in advance and won on election night in the nationwide landslide that he apparently achieved. Everything would have just kept going on as before. We would never have known just how wretchedly evil and unAmerican the Democrats have become.

I agree with those who say this was gift to us from Trump. We got the best of both worlds---a temporary vision of the hellscape that Biden would have brought, followed by Trump victory that takes us safe and sound back to reality.

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