Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Krakening

 Does Trump have the goods?

This is the question on the minds of many Trump supporters tonight. As we speak, Trump supporters from the MAGA march are still making their way to their hotels, many assaulted by Biden thugs.

Democrats disgust me. Anyone who supports them disgusts me.

Trump has implied he has the evidence to bust all this open. He has implied he will do this in a way that will compel the legislatures in the five contested states, as well as the court, to act in his favor.

But does he?

I ask that question not for myself but as an expression of what may out there are wandering. People are coming around to the Wictor's point of view, but they are not ready to be as sure as he is, that it will play out with Trump slamming down aces. They want the damning stuff to be shown to the world, in a way that vindicates their patience and hope.  Perhaps by the end of this week they will have it.

As for the U.S. military raid in Germany of the vote counting servers, Ron Coleman posted a video of Louis Gohmert, who made the original claim about the raid, saying that it was not white hats but black hats who got to the servers. Don't expect to hear anything about them, he said. Coleman also posted a separate tweet warning about disinformation coming at unbelievable rates, even from well-intentioned sources on our side. Fog of war. Think of that what you will. My take is that if such a raid took place, and even if it was bad guys who did the raid,  at this point, it was probably another aspect of the sting operation against them by Trump.

As for having the goods, the Hollywood actor Adam Baldwin---one of the few fearless Trump supporters among his profession--tweeted a point today which I had considered. Would Trump lead his followers on like this, only to let them down? Wouldn't he be risking his entire reputation and all the good will he accumulated? And for what?

No it doesn't even make logical sense. It only makes sense if you think Trump is who the demented Left thinks he is---a cartoon ape that somehow blundered into the White House in an Idiocracy America aided by foreign governments. That version of Trump, if it were real, would surely be capable of such a deception to his own followers that leave them broken. That version of Trump is a Trump who bluffs when he is holding a low hand. But that Trump is a product of their demented minds. When have they ever been right about anything? Never.

As of now, many supporters are poised for the release of the furies in form of shocking proof of election fraud. Will it play out the way people want? Probably not. Nothing ever does with Trump. Somehow it will be better than people expect. We'll be glad for it.

We know this is ultimately about more than simply getting Donald Trump to 270 Electoral Vote,. This is about delivering justice. It will need a big remedy somehow. But if all we get is 270 for the moment, I am ok with that. First things first. 

Three out of the five state legislatures---that's what it will take.  That's the goal. It has a time limit. Once one state goes, it will make it much easier for the others. Once two have gone, then there will be three state legislatures, each in Republican control, that will able to hand the election to Trump. They will know this as they vote, that it will be up to them to choose between Biden and Trump, on behalf of the entire nation.

Note: I get the intention of the Kraken reference going around,  Sidney Powell was the one to use it. It's been popular on the Internet for a while. A great movie line by the late Sir Laurence Olivier in his last role. I saw it at the University Mall Theater in Fort Collins in the fabulous glorious summer of 1981, when life was about going to fun movies with friends. (Note I know there was a remake in 2010, as I reviewed it in this blog at the time. Liam Neeson delivers the same line with much more drama, but Olivier's is the correct tone for the story).

Technically the Kraken, however, is more appropriately identified with the beast-like evil Democratic Party that threatens to destroy the city unless satisfied with innocent blood. The captive Andromeda is America at the moment. Cassiopeia is the media. Perseus is Donald Trump. Pegasus is the Truth. Medusa's head is the sting operation---all that evidence in all its ugliness. Now we're going to watch Trump hold it up to the monster, and the Democrats are going to crumble into the sea. I don't know how it will happen, but it will. Count on it.

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