Friday, November 13, 2020

One Hundred Percent Certainty

 D-DAY+4 21:00 hrs EST

A pause in the battle. No major developments.

What a week it has been. And yes, it did feel quiet today. It felt like a day of going through motions, while things are being set up. We had the farce of the Georgia recount, which will do nothing. No inspection of ballots. Recounting the same fake ones. Trump side not allowed to see ballots. Folks on our side screaming for someone to do something. Revelation and awareness that GOP Georgia may be connected with Dominion.

Trump's apparent reaction: meh. Somehow this is not crucial to the plan. What is the plan? How will then win Georgia. I don't know. I a spectator.  I am enjoying myself.  Should I be? I don't know, but I am. 

Strong feeling that next week will bring some startling changes. Maybe that's just me trying to figure out the plan again. Trump has said so, I tell myself. But my mind seeks to fill in the details of what that could mean. Certainly Georgia would, all things being equal, certify its electors on next Friday, so one assumes that something will happen before then. I don't know. Maybe it doesn't have to, so it won't. Trump still super confident. He said 'next two weeks, maybe three weeks" to see him win in the Electoral College.

Reasoning it out:

1. There is 100% certainty in me that enough phony ballots were counted in Georgia, paper or otherwise, that gave Biden the apparent edge. 

2. There is 100% certainty in me that Trump would win the state of Georgia if a fair count was made at this point.

3. There is 100% certainty in me that if were anyone else other than Trump, that no such fair counting would happen at this point.

4. If Georgia changes to Trump by a fair count, it will suddenly become easier to get fair counts in other states. The first state is the key. Georgia appears to be the one they are aiming for, but suddenly Arizona has come into the mix as well. Impossible to know what is their real strategy.

But somehow I am a happy warrior through this. Somehow I still can't see any other possibility than Trump coming out on top.

Key points: electoral votes are certified by state legislatures. All five state legislatures here are Republican controlled  A total of 73 electoral votes in play, completely controlled by Republican state legislatures. Governors have no say. Trump would need three out of the five Republican legislatures to award him the votes somehow, either by an honest count or some other means. 

Supreme Court is conservative majority. House of Representatives would vote for Trump, in the count of states, if it goes there.

It looks like a strong hand for Trump. 

It occurs to me that the sham of a recount in Georgia, which Trump just tweeted about, may be part of demonstrating the manifest fraud. Are we are being positioned, as a nation, to accept some big things that will come out next week? 

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