Saturday, July 31, 2021

Devolution Explained (Audio)

"The more I dug into it, the more peace I found."

A great interview on Rumble with the blogger who goes by the name Patel Patriot. If you want to understand the theory of "devolution", and what many of us think is going on, this is a great audio. Highly recommended even if you are not (yet) on our side. At least you will understand where we are coming from.

By the way, the Mastodon instance he mentions where he used to write is the one run by Saul Montes-Bradley, who is now despised by just about everyone. Once Wictor leaves his site, which is bound to happen any day, it will over for Saul and his site. His forum was a refuge for us in the days after January 6, but it has served its purpose. We have moved on.

One point that Patel Patriot makes, that I would agree with is that Pence played his role on January 6 and did his job. Trump needed things to play out as they did, in order to invoke the executive orders to launch the devolution scenario. This is an issue that is still highly divisive on our side, where some think Pence was a traitor. Today driving outside Montrose, Colorado, I saw a Trump/Pence banner with the "Pence" covered up.

Trump banners and signs are very common by the way. In New Mexico yesterday we passed a business that was plastered with Trump 2024 banners.

Patel Patriot believes that the release of the Arizona Audit report, which is probably happening in the next few weeks, is what will Trump to publicly assert foreign interference in the election as an act of war.  This will send things to the next phase, whatever that is. 

Buckle up. 

It Had to Be This Way

  As each day passes after the stolen election and the health hoax, the collective lens of the resistance brings greatly clarity to the situation on the ground, as expressed the lucidity of great thinkers and writers on our side, most of whom are unknown within the mainstream press, which our side largely ignores at this point.

Among these folks is Brian Cates, whom I followed on Twitter for several years during Trump's first term. He was a close ally of Thomas Wictor, and like Wictor, eventually got kicked off.

Cates writes a regular blog at X22 report. His latest one is especially great at encapsulating the belief that has become widely accepted on our side: that Trump had to "lose" the 2020 election by letting the theft proceed. 

If Donald Trump had sat up there in D.C. and tried to prove the election theft and then force election reform on the country from the top down, using a raw exercise of federal power, that would have been a catastrophic failure. It had to come from the people themselves making it happen from the ground up at the local and state level.

It is the only way this could have worked, and everyone must grasp this.  It had to be this way. 

Among the valuable things about this post is how Cates goes through his evolution of belief following the election itself. Like the rest of us, Cates has seen the plan unfold, and it is spectacular.

Only as the months have gone by, it’s becoming clear... Instead of losing interest and fading away, the number of people getting involved at the local level is growing. The American people have awakened and are energized and are demanding changes to their elections, their schools, their towns and cities, and their country. I have come to believe that this energized and awakened citizenry are the long anticipated “Storm”. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

The Activist Has Her Moment

 Before we left our motel this morning on the Rim, I sent a Telegram message to my friend Heather, telling her that we were on our way to Colorado, and giving her the dates we would be in Estes Park. I had already told her the dates a couple months back, so she knew we were coming. She said they would be up in their cabin in Glen Haven, which is nearby, and we arranged the day we would stop by to see them.

She and her husband are two of the last people from old circle of friends with whom I talk. Heather is a special category lately, because of her longstanding brave and outspoken activism against mandatory vaccinations. This has earned her the contempt of the rest of our old friends, and makes it difficult for her husband, who is still in contact with our old friends, and who has to act as a go between.

Randy, her husband, is an awesome guy, who has done as much with his life as I have done little. He has designed and built skyscrapers. He has his own architectural firm. He has a family. I'm humored that he still cares to consider me a friend. He must like me. The smallness of my life makes me of no use to most of my other friends.

It will good to see them. In my Telegram message to Heather, I told her that the medical tyranny had arrived, that we had always knew would arrive. Lately it seems as if the entire country is foaming and frothing, at the edge of flying apart. Everything seems to be building to some kind of climax.

When I see Heather, maybe I'll make a joke by asking "so you've got the vaccine, right?" She will patiently appreciate my humor. It's a serious time. So much at stake.

In Durango

 We are on the road. It is good to be out of Scottsdale. The minute I leave the Valley I rarely feel like going back there. It is not the natural place for me to be.

Here in the mountains is a more a natural place. It is raining outside. The rain is comforting. The air is chilly at night. We are cozy in the hotel room watching the Olympics.

Last night we stayed up on the "rim", in the town of Heber, in a Best Western. Lying in bed I realized how little I care for travel anymore. The good part was being out of the heat of central Arizona.

Tomorrow we will drive up through the San Juans. There is nothing like being in the high Rockies to refresh me. Everytime we are up here we want to stay.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Delusion of a Romantic Life

 Among the delusions that arose my pride in my youth was the idea that my life was supposed to be a romantic epic adventure. It was to be romantic in the sense of being exciting, and also in the sense of finding a young woman who would be my "true love", and whom I would marry, and live happily ever after raising a family.

How much misery did I cause myself and others, including more than young unfortunately young woman, upon whom I foisted this notion of my life?

God did not intend for me to live that kind of life. Looking back at the younger me, the idea that I could have been a suitable husband and father for most of the women I courted and dated now strikes me as absurd. In every case it obvious that they would have been better off with someone else, and that is exactly what wound up happening. But to have been aware of this at the time would have been far too much ego deflation on my part. How could I have faced my true nature, as a small man mostly overwhelmed by the world, and so far from being a the provider that being a husband and father would require? Only the experiences of the years and decades have been able to penetrate that coating of pride about myself.

I wonder---under the right direction, could I have been made more away of what I truly was? Could it have been different? Leaving aside such questions as fate, I think it could have been. I was bad information about life, and to my discredit, I believed it all, and gobbled it all up, trying to live every fantasy about what I thought I was supposed to be, or could be, until there was no more possibility of fooling myself.

I am thankful to God for the humiliation of discovering this while I am still alive, and still have a chance to repent of these prideful beliefs about myself. The consequences of this pride remain with me, and always will, even as I know I will be forgiven. It is a way that God has given us to detach ourselves from the things of this world---this pain of the consequence. Maybe I am lucky after all, having made these mistakes.

In the Season of Pride

 For most of my life, I am have inflated with an enormous sense of pride about myself. As such, among the deadly sins, pride is almost certainly the one I am most guilty of.

I have gone through my life thinking that I was special in so many ways, distinct from my fellow human beings by having some special set of talents, particularly in my intelligence. To be short, I thought I was extraordinarily smart. 

I was gifted in school in many topics from a young age, and curious to learn. So in the this way, the opinion about me was correct. But smart--no, not really. I cannot say that about myself given the magnitude of the poor decisions I have made throughout my life, particularly in failing to learn from the lessons that were provided for me, so obviously, and continuing to make the same mistakes again. In that way, I am not smart at all. I am particular thick and unintelligent.

Much of this came from my pride, a pride that said that I was not subject to the rules that applied to other people. My pride told me that I could make up the rules of my life as I went along, according to my own design. My pride said that I would escape the consequences of not following these rules because I was special in some way, and the world would recognize that, and organize itself around accommodating my specialness.

It took me so long to see all of this clearly, and now that I have come to do so, I can look back at the years of my life and see the pattern so clearly, and the harm it has caused myself and others. I see how all the puffery about my potential, that I so abundantly wallowed in during my youth, has brought so little fruit. My life is one of the least consequential ones ever lived, I now feel, although to say such a thing would itself be a form of pride. 

Yet I cannot escape how much I have let down God in relation to the gifts and blessings He bestowed on me, and with which I have done little in terms of sharing them with others, and bringing others to God by my works. I can look at any part of my past in see how much more I could have done, had I not been carrying about such enormous pride.

According to Church doctrine, the remedy of pride is humility, and this is now what I seek, as a thirsty man seeks water. I have said I want to be a giver, and in my humility I can see only how little I have to give at this point in my life, and I must be content that I cannot give any more. I have no great fortune that I have been hoarding that I release, which can suddenly make up for all the years that I have been contracted. There is no easy way out. That itself is among the greatest of humilities.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

I Am a Taker Who Wants To Be a Giver

 There are two kinds of people in the world---people who naturally give, and people who naturally take. IT is obvious which one I am, and which one I have always been. I am a person who takes.

I say this with brutal, humiliating knowledge of my own character, which is stands convicted by a lifetime of habits of taking rather than giving. I have taken rather than given because I felt contracted in my spirit, as if giving will empty me out, and leave vulnerable and weak in the world, rather than replenishing and me filling me. 

The people I most admire are those who give most readily, and do so out of generosity of spirit. How I wish to be like them, even at my age, and with most of the years of my life now behind me. How do I become this way? The answer is in the smallest of step, yet I find myself failing the tests over and over. When confronted with the opportunity to be a giving person, I still blanche, stall, and reflexively retreat out of pain of what giving will do to me.

I have to be willing to annihilate myself, in order to give. It have to be willing to force myself into that fear reflexively. 

Pray for me, that I can do this, and become this type of person even now, as I feel so diminished compared to person I once was.

We Must Love Them

 We must love our enemies.

We must love those who would take away our voice.

We must love those who would take away our freedom.

We must love those who would deplatform us.

We must love those who would cancel us.

We must love those who would label as a violent insurectionists.

We must love those who would restrict our movements.

We must love those who would force us to take shots in the arm.

We must love those who would shutdown society.

We must love those who cower from us in fear.

We must love those who consider us to be the epitome of evil.

We must love those who curse us.

We must love those who celebrate violence against us as just.

We must love those who wish death on us.

We must love those who would steal our elections.

We must love those who would openly justify election theft as necessary to prevent us from gaining power.

We must love those who pervert science to be the opposite of truth.

We must love those who use medical tyranny to enrich themselves and gain power and fame.

We must love who would take away our livelihoods because of our beliefs.

We must love those who think screaming at us is the way to talk to us

We must love those who shun us.

We must love those who would use ostracism and silence to punish us.

We must love those who hate everything about us.

We must love those who defend the use of mob violence against us.

We must love those who have turned their back on God.

We must love those who curse our Lord and Savior.

We must love those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

We must love those who openly worship the Evil One.

We must love those who profane everything that is holy and good.

We must love those who torture and abuse children.

We must love those who support the murder of unborn children.

We must love those who support the destruction of the holy institution of marriage.

We must love those who support the destruction of the concepts of man and woman.

We must love those who support and engage in human trafficking.

We must love those who start wars for power and profit.

We must love those would turn America into a totalitarian hell hole.

We must love those who hypocritically pose as our public saviors while committing all of the above acts.

We must pray for all of them. Each one of them is a human being made in the image of God.

We must those who by their innocence and ignorance have given voice in support of evil, and who continue to do so.

We must love those who misunderstand everything we believe in, and ascribe to us the projection of evil from their own side.

We must love those who have fallen into the indoctrination of the lies that have been told them, and are still being told them.

We must do all this without exception, because God commands us to do so, above all other commandments.

We must love them despite their efforts to make us hate them, and to get us to turn away from God's commandments.

Who said love is easy?

Escape to Atlantis

 In the midst of all of this strife in the world, I find myself seeking a refuge of relaxation in my mind, where I can retreat into a place where the daily news recedes far away. 

Along these lines, I have lately found myself listening to Youtube podcast videos from a geologist named Randall Carlson, specifically ones having to done with an ancient archaeology, and specifically ones having to do with the question of the legend of Atlantis.

Ancient history and ancient archaeology has long fascinated me, especially the boundary between history and prehistory, and the origins of civilization, which by our current mainstream understanding date from around 3000 BC. The mystery of Gobekli Tepe, which appears to be 11,000 years old, and which only twenty years ago changed our entire conception of the ancient world, was fascinating to me from the moment I heard about it. Carlson talks a lot about Gobekli Tepe.

Depending on who you ask, Carlson is either a woo-spewing crackpot, or a solid geological research investigating nonstandard theories. After listening to four hours of him talking about prehistory, I tend to lean towards the latter. 

He himself jokes about "putting on his tinfoil hat" to discuss certain topics, such as whether the Atlantis legend is possibly true. One thing hugely in his favor is that he is quite humble in his assertions. 

In talking about such "fringe" things as Atlantis, he admits that despite any evidence he may be able to assert in favor of the possibility that the legend has veracity, he could well be wrong. Plato (who is the only ancient source for the topic) could well have been talking about a made-up place that never existed, and using it to provide a model for the just society. 

From Carlson I learned that Plato's date of Atlantis' destruction (9000 years before his time, according to what Solon was told by the Egyptians) corresponds almost exactly to what many geologists assert was a very sudden rise in sea levels, perhaps caused a comet fragment that struck the ice cap that covered North America at the time. Of course, that proves nothing, as Carlson says. But it makes it easier to continue a line of investigation. Was Atlantis possible? Most mainstream researchers have said no to this question. Carlson, looking more deeply perhaps, says maybe.

Of course there is no evidence at all that Atlantis was a continent, or that it was an advanced civilization in the modern sense of the world, with modern technology. Carlson asserts that if Atlantis existed, and it was advanced in any sense, it was probably on the level of Minoan civilization.

The most fascinating thing I've learned from him is the possibility of large sudden movements of the earth's crust up and down, in response to similar movements elsewhere on the globe, caused by such things as sudden melting of glacial icecaps. There is geological evidence on the ocean floor of the mid Atlantic of oolitic limestone, which could only have been produced if the floor were much shallower at some point. 

It's safe and easy to be a sceptic about anything that anyone slaps the label of pseudoscience on. It takes such little effort, as the odds will favor that you will never have to change your mind. For this reason, I have little respect for most self-styled skeptics unless they can actually defend their position beyond ridiculing the problems in the speculative ones, and launching ad hominem attacks. Carlson? You're listening to THAT GUY?

It's important to remember how science works, and that many times so-called crackpot ideas wind up becoming the new standard accepted truth. Alfred Wegener, the German who originally came up with our theory of plate tectonics, which is universally accepted in geology, was himself considered a crank in his day.  Continental drift was considered pseudoscience.

The idea that everything is as we have been told seems like the biggest conspiracy of all, given the historical record.

All of these ideas about Atlantis are very fascinating. It's relaxing because to me there is nothing at stake in this. We will probably never have a definitive answer to these questions, and in the end, what does it matter what the answer is?

Carlson is extremely knowledgable about many topics, including the climate record. After an hour listening to him talk about the record from the Greenland ice cap (which drilled down to 10000 feet), it is almost impossible to talk seriously any worries that the earth is warming up in a drastic and unprecedented fashion.  How much mental anguish is being generated by that worry right now, among so many people, in a completely pointless fashion? How many people are falling for that pseudoscience?

Seven Points To Share

 1. We are at war and this war is increasing in intensity with each passing day. 

2. The enemy, who have the entire mainstream media at their disposal as a weapon, will move towards a position of zero sympathy towards us, asserting that we are the equivalent of rabid animals who need to be locked up or put down without mercy, as quickly as possible.

3. Unless we win this war, there will never be a return to normal. If we do not win, the lockdowns will continue forever. The variants will arrive continuously. We will need constant injections to be allowed to have any sense of public normal life. Anyone refusing this will be considered a terrorist and subject the sanctions that were placed on, say, Al Qaeda, following 9/11. Liberty as we know it will be a thing of the past. 

4. Most of the people supporting the enemy will welcome all new forms of totalitarianism as necessary for our collective survival, and to punish the bad people (our side).

5. The enemy is doing this because they are desperate and know they are going to be defeated. They know their time is short

6. When the enemy is defeated, there is going to be a lot of confused normal people who fell for the lies of the evil ones. We will need to be sympathetic to them, to help them recover from the trauma. We will need to do this despite the fact that many of them are the loudest in joining the enemy to parrot their points in 2 above.

7. We will win.

A Prayer for Dr. Fauci

 Given the last post I made you might think I am full of bitterness towards the people I mentioned who are pushing the pseudoscience of this manufactured crisis at this. As it happens, I strive to pray for all of them, in the media, in politics, and in the medical "establishment." 

From my vantage point, it appears that so many of them have chosen to serve the dark forces. But I cannot judge them. Only God can judge them. It is my duty not only to refrain from judging them, but to pray for their salvation.

Is it easier to pray for friends and family members, who have turned against you with personal animosity and judgment, or for strangers you know only as public figures through the media? I'm not sure of the answer to that question, but I know I am supposed to pray for all of them, as much as possible. I don't find it difficult to pray for any of them, actually. It comes easy at this point, through practice.

As for the public figures, I can forgive all of them for what they are doing to us. In the end, I am just as wretched as sinner as any of them.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Surge of Fear Porn from the Boob Tube

 Ginger had put the Olympics on in late afternoon. We watched the women's triathlon. After the coverage came a break in the coverage with the nightly NBC news.

What a hoot. A barrage of five minutes of the worst pseudoscientific fear porn I've seen. 

Cases surging (in bad Red States)!

Hospitalizations surging in states with low vaccinations!

Mask mandates being reimposed!

Vaccination trials for children to start!

Unvaccinated putting lives in danger!

This was complete with the demoniac Fauci lecturing us from the screen, and helpful soothing Democratic governors.

Meanwhile did NBC ever mention the CDC announced that labs (such as your local CVS pharmacy) should stop using the well-known PCR test for the virus  because it can't distinguish between the virus and the normal flu?

From, the horse's mouth, dated July 21:

After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.

Visit the FDA website for a list of authorized COVID-19 diagnostic methods. For a summary of the performance of FDA-authorized molecular methods with an FDA reference panel, visit this page.

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing.

No, they didn't mention that, because that would ANNIHILATE THEIR ENTIRE NARRATIVE and implode their criminal hoax. Every sane science-respecting person knows that the PCR test is garbage and generates all sorts of false positives, depending on the number of cycles used.  We've known this for over a year, and that by extension ALL the supposed case numbers are utter BULLSHIT.

I feel so, so sorry for anyone caught up in this matrix of fear coming from these awful people.

All of this speaks of me of the dying regime/cabal throwing everything they have at us, in their dying days. It suggests we are nearing the peak of the battle, and that victory is coming into sight.

Une Langueur Polytone

 My dear friend,

Here I sit on our apartment patio in Scottsdale. It is sunny today after a stretch of solid rain and grey skies. They brought the monsoons to central Arizona for the first time in several years. People had begun to wonder if they would ever return. They returned with a vengeance, as they say, swelling the rivers and flooding much of the valley. I loved it of course. The rains reminded me of the tropical storms in Austin that would last for days. Sadly I found out that this meant that many, many trees here would be toppled, their roots unable to withstand the drenching they received.

This morning I had a job interview by Zoom call. I am spending the rest of the day combing through an old program I wrote that generates automatic conjugations of Spanish verbs. My ongoing hobby. I keep trying to bring this application to the world, and each time I get bogged down with the '"Front end" (the web site part). So this time I am not writing any front end at all. I am only doing the raw data mechanics. It is soothing, like the rain, to work on this.

I can't remember the last time I wrote you. Certainly it has been at least six months, and I barely feel like the same person as six months ago. I feel much more detached from the world. The election and its aftermath were rather traumatic. For a few months at the beginning of this year I was convinced that America as I knew it was over and lost.

I would love to write to you about all the weird things I have come to believe in the last few months, about America and the world, but in an email like this I would sound like a madman. You would be rightfully skeptical.

I have no American friends anymore with whom I correspond regularly. I have had an extended conversation with only one family member in the last year, who is 95 years old. We understand each other. One of my sisters is still polite to me. The other refuses to speak to me. We are going to be in the same YMCA camp in Colorado in two weeks, and yet I will not be able to see her or her family. So strong is her disapproval of me, and all that I represent.

The world feels so broken. Yet I am at peace with so much. I am not afraid of any virus, or any variant of a virus. I will not take a vaccine. I am ready to be denied all of the pleasures of the world because of that. I suspect that within a month, there will be calls to deny me access to basic food in grocery stores. I am ready for it. 

I was inspired to write just now because of the news I have seen coming from France this morning. I see this news because I do not watch the "news" here in America, which would not show such things. They will show your president being greeted warmly at the Olympics, but not what is happening in the streets. I get all of my "news" from alternative channels, from people on Youtube who must speak in code. The word "jab" is now forbidden in referring to  the vaccine. It will get you kicked off. So they speak of "vacation" instead. Likewise anything about election fraud must be in code words.

Of course I don't know where you are on this spectrum of belief. I know you prefer to remain detached from most worldly things, but in these days that seems very difficult.

I wonder where you are, and how you are doing, and how all the people I know and love are doing.  I would send them all my love and regards. I would sit down with all of you and tell you frankly of the crazy things I have come to believe, and some would be shocked, and some might tell me they cannot abide me, that I am an --ist, or --phobe, or what have you. 

I would describe how what I think is going to happen, in the near future, and what is playing out now, even here in Arizona, and in this county where I live, which seems to have been destined to be the epicenter of events that are playing out in massive scale, for the highest of stakes. 

But I am just an onlooker, a nobody, a pawn. I prefer to be a pawn. 

Someday I hope to come to Europe again. Right now I feel lucky to get to the neighboring state.

Yours with much love and warmth,


Sunday, July 25, 2021

My New Favorite Western Painter

 We spent just an hour at the Museum of the West, as there was no pressure to see it all, since we had memberships. We spent almost the entire time in the rotating exhibit on the ground floor, which was on the work of Maynard Dixon (1875-1946), whose work includes a massive number of drawings and paintings made in Arizona during the first half of the Twentieth Century. The landscapes and human portraits of both white people and Indians were breathtaking in their beauty. I could go back there every day while the exhibit is in Scottsdale.

Among the things displayed was a letter proving the Dixon was responsible for the idea that the Golden Gate Bridge should be painted the reddish-orange color that it is. 

Almost none of the paintings in the exhibit are in the permanent collection of the museum. Many of them were from the Maynard Dixon Museum which is in Tucson. Definitely on my list of places to visit.

Massacre of the Mesquites

 Ginger's folks were back in town today after two and half months on the road in the RV, having traveled back to Ohio, and then up through the north country before returning to Arizona. It was nice to have breakfast with them again in downtown Scottsdale at our usual egg restaurant. They hadn't been following the audits at all, and it was a pleasure to catch them up on the news, and how much had happened, especially as the weeks before they left had seemed bleak that anything would happen to bring about justice.

Ginger had wanted to go to the Museum of the West, which is also in downtown Scottsdale. We hadn't been there in a couple years. It is a splendid museum, only a few years old. She had purchased a membership online so our entry for this visit was free.

As we parked we saw the mesquite trees in front of the museum were toppled from the recent rains. Ginger had read that mesquites are particularly prone to this, as they can be overwatered, leaving their root systems vulnerable to disaster in heavy downpours.

In fact, all the mesquites along the block were toppled. The one in the courtyard of the museum was also toppled. It was heartbreaking.

On the way home, as we threaded our way through the avenues of central Scottsdale to reach the freeway, we saw hundreds of trees of different varieties lying on their sides, or with entire sections of limbs broken off, often taking out concrete walls and fences as they fell. In one park, it looked as if half the trees were down. It was a sad sight. Everyone had wanted rain, and I had wished for heavy ones. Everything comes with a price it seems. At least the Monsoons have returned.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Booed Off Stage in Phoenix

 We are watching the Olympics on television while, at the same time, I am watching and listening to Donald Trump speaking live at the rally just a few files away in downtown Phoenix. 

The best part of the rally so far is watching my State Senator getting booed off stage by the crowd during the warm up. She is a Republican, but she opposed the slate of recent bills in the Senate to enhance election security, earning her a very bad reputation from Trump supporters. 

She is currently running for Arizona Secretary of State (and would therefore certify elections). As she stormed off stage, cutting her speech short, she vowed she would win the nomination. 

Clearly her biggest motivation will be to punish us Trump supporters. I don't think she has much of a political future. 

It was a humorous moment, and allowed me to comment on the Reading Epic Threads Telegram group that she was, in a way, typical of North Scottsdale, which is a degenerate place. After day, she is now infamous among our side.

I went to her Wikipedia page a few minutes later, because I wanted to see who else is running for the Republican nomination for Secretary of State in 2022. It had already been updated to mention how she had been booed off stage at today's event.

I've already given money to one of her opponents, whose Wikipedia page highlights how he is a horrible person who supports all sorts of bad people, including the January 6 "insurrectionists." He might win, but there is also another Trump-supporting candidate who may get the nomination.

I love how on Wikipedia every single mention of possible election fraud in 2020 has to say "false allegations of election fraud." It gives me a belly laugh whenever I see it, because it speaks of the fear by the other side. They know the truth. We all do. If they didn't know, they wouldn't have to state it the way they do. They could just state it neutrally, which is what Wikipedia is supposed to do, at least according to the old rules. To Communists, however, "neutral point of view" means "everything I believe, because I only see reality.

We are laughing at you. You can keep your screwed up Wikipedia articles, but we will win.

Preparing for the Harsh Times Ahead

One of my favorite people to follow on Telegram is Roosh Valizadeh, an Orthodox Christian convert who turned his back on a life of sin and degeneracy to devote himself to God

He recently posted this:

 I don't approve banning the unvaccinated from public spaces, but so far they are doing so with venues that most devout Christians don't visit: bars, pubs, concerts, theaters. That suggests they've determined it's the "sinful" activities that people are most attached to, and they will use those venues first and foremost to entice vaccination. Of course they won't stop with those venues, and will eventually broaden to all essential venues of commerce including supermarkets, but it's clear that people who are "of the world" will be hit hardest when it comes to the desire to participate in society like "normal." I'm striving to give up everything of this world in obedience to Christ, and to suffer as He suffered... even telling me I won't be able to eat should not (hopefully) send me into the arms of the atheist doctors to get the c---s shot. With trepidation, and only a tinge of doubt due to my innate human weakness, I state that I'm ready for things to get extra hard, though I rather them not, since life in this fallen state is already hard. I know God is with me.

Roosh has been highly influential in my thinking about the types of persecutions that Christians are going to face in the coming days, especially in regard to resistance to the arm jab, and the right attitude to take in facing this challenges.

As I've mentioned in a previous post, I sense that we have just passed the watershed moment, when patience has run out for those of us who won't go along with the gentle urging. The tactics will switch from the use of the carrot to the use of the stick.  

Reading Roosh helps fortify me for the days ahead. The world will be shut down to us, at what timetable I cannot tell but I am thinking by this winter the harsh restrictions will arrive. It will be welcomed with a sense of vindictiveness and punishment against us.  Those people who already hate us will revel in the misery they believe they are going to put us through. 

Ha, ha, look at us, dining in restaurants while you awful people peer through the window like homeless waifs

The previous sentence is almost word-for-word quoted from an old friend of mine on Twitter, one whom I have spent many wonderful hours with over the years. He is not only an outspoken atheist, but he is virulently intolerant of any expressions of religious faith in his presence. Yet I love him like a brother and pray for him regularly.

Social media will be filled with posts such as this one by my friend. Expressing mercy or sympathy for us will be forbidden, a sign of betrayal to the cause. I pity all of them, in their rage that is only satisfied by wishing misery on others, exactly as one would expect from demonic torment. 

To me this is a wonderful chance to put my faith in God, and to turn my back on the things of this world. Certainly it will not be easy when the grocery stores start forbidding us entry. But as Roosh says, God will provide a way for us to eat.  Almost everything else I can do without.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Almost Biblical

 Today it rained all day. It was glorious, cool. The temperature stayed in the seventies. I sat out on the porch and listened to the storms come through. I would wish it keep raining, forty days and forty nights, if possible.

I am wearied of so much lately.  The news feels stuck in the same gear--approaching some climax and muddling through at the same time. I no longer know what to believe. Even our own side spreads disinformation, as a deception of wartime. 

No one has any idea of what timetables thing will play out on. Days? Weeks? Months? Years? All predictions fail, except the ones that don't.

Trends are easy to spot. We will locked down completely again. Only the recipients of the "vacation" (the new word used by Youtubers to avoid censorship) will be allowed out, but even they will need face cloths. New variants will emerge routinely. We will spend years this way, until we are all broken. 

Or not. Something will happen. Something dramatic. It will all come out. Or it won't.

All of this happen, or not, without my input, or my consent. 

Rain. Keep raining. Wash away my thoughts and cares. Calm my mind.

The Golden Interlude

Last night after sundown the rains came---real rains. The sound of the storm was comforting to fall asleep to. This morning the skies are dark and rumbling. We are getting the fist sustained soaking in a long tine. It is supposed to carry on through the weekend. 

After dinner last night I was talking to Ginger, saying that I thought that this week marked a watershed moment in the health emergency.  Those who advocate the arm jabs are running out of patience with the rest of us. First we tried, the carrot, now comes the stick. Increasingly there will be calls for sanctions against those of us who haven't gotten around to complying. This will done in the spirit of anger and reprisal.

At the moment it is possible to go sans face covering in public on the honor system. Soon there will be calls for the passport-type certification to enter most public venues.  Already a restaurant in Phoenix has started this. 

My honor is not compromised in going bare, as by all accounts of the scientific evidence I have seen, the bug is harmless, including the greek letter variant. 

I can see this crackdown happening by the autumn. In the meantime there is a golden interlude when all seems somewhat normal. I'm enjoying it. If I am to be a prisoner in my home over this, so be it. I am not afraid of that. I can do without restaurants.  We will get groceries somehow. 

I have nothing but pity for those seething in anger against us. I will not return their anger or hatred. I know they want that. They want us broken. They want us screaming at them. I will not do that. I will pray for them. I will pray for an end to all this.

But it is useless to pray for an "end to the demic," as there never was one to begin with. We were punked by videos from the Communist Chinese. 

Because it is phony, it can go on forever. The Greek Letter variant is phony, the result of simply an adjustment of the already phony testing method. Another such variant can be invented out of whole cloth. In fact, an infinite number can be invented, to keep us in fear for the rest of our lives.  Take the arm jab. Then take it again, and again, and again.

I know that most of the people I know, and my family members, are on the angry side. At this point, I don't expect to see or talk to most of them again. These are the times we live in. But as I said, I will not return their hatred with hatred. I will still love them.

Countering all this is the narrative of exposure.  It is the Trumpian narrative that the war is being fought. It is the Movie Theory that the good guys are in control, and the public is being prepared for the revelation of the truth. But even if this is true, we don't know at what timetable this will play out. Perhaps it will take years to come.  Even those of us who believe this should be prepared to hunker down in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

I pray that on the other side of it, I will recover some of the friendships and family relationships I have lost. As I've said, the idea of "I told you so!" is painful to me. I know the humiliation of being wrong will be too much for some to bear as they have staked their entire well-being on being righteously correct against the people they hate (including yours truly).  I don't care about being correct against them. I just want this to be over. I save my anger for the ones in charge, but brought this about, and who continue to tell us lies.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Seventeen Years Ago in Portland

 I just got a funny email from a woman in Portland, Maine.

Hi Matthew, 
This week I launched my website for Everything Free to Do 24/7 in the Portland, Maine metro area.

As I was designing the site over the winter I found one of your images on Wikimedia Commons and (with your continued permission) I plan to permanently anchor it on my photo contest page. 

Each week from now on, I'll be picking a new local picture to feature on the home page. Since I just started the site and don't have any pictures submitted yet I wanted to ask you two things:
1) Can I use your picture on the photo contest page? 
1a) Would you like me to change anything in the byline? 

and 2) Do you have any other cool pics of the Portland metro area? I could certainly use about a dozen until I get some submissions in. 

If you're agreeable, all the details to upload your pictures (including your image) can be found here:

Thanks, and I hope I hear back from you! I love your picture and it's exactly the type of work I'm looking for. 
Taryn B. 

Of course I said yes to her request. 

The photo is in the link in the email text. I guess it will remain the featured photo for a week before it is replaced. I wonder if she realizes that I took it seventeen years ago? 

Ironically I was on my way to Portland, Oregon at the time. Among the missions I had set for myself along the way was to document the signage for upcoming 2004 Presidential election between Bush and Kerry,  especially in battleground states like Maine. At the time I really, really cared that Kerry must win. Now all I see is how lost the nation was, and far away we were from national redemption. 

Here's the photo that I took that is currently on the page this week, with the caption below it. I didn't write the caption. I like that it says "ladies." Also it has a poster for a band that came out of the Austin punk scene, and for another famous musician who lives in Phoenix.

 "Two ladies chat outside a coffee house in downtown Portland.

Image courtesy of Matthew Trump, Wikimedia Commons." 

Seventeen years is a long time. Downtown Portland has seen a lot of new stuff. It made me wonder if those businesses still exist. 

A little research told me the the coffeeshop was called "Zarra's Monumental Coffeehouse" and it was at 24 Monument Square. It has been closed for a number of years and is now a grill restaurant. The "Surplus Store" next to it is also been redeveloped as well, according to a photo I found, into a hipster food market. All in all, I like the old version of the street better. The new version is cleaner, but seems more boring and sterile.

Ironically we are planning on being in Portland, Maine in about ten weeks. I guess I can see it for myself, but no Zarra's, of course. Time moves on.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Arizona Cracking Apart

One of the things that has given me in advantage in evaluating claims of truth, and how they will play out in the media, and the mind of the public, is the ability to hear information not only through my own filters, but to place the filters of others upon it, and to evaluate it through their own biases.

For example, with election fraud, even though, like many people who were paying attention at the time, I think I know roughly what happened in regard to the election theft, I am aware that when conveying the information and "proof" to people who were not as tuned in, the information can be filtered out as "well that's just normal for an election," even though in fact it was not normal at all. So in most cases I don't try to communicate this information, as I know the push back I will get. 

The magnetic force that pulls us back towards our own biases is strong. It takes a certain combination of facts to break through this. I believe, throughout much of my life, I have had an intuition for this threshold of conviction, at which the information is so strong, and in such a combination as to begin to break through the resistances of the minds of the public who would normally choose not to accept it.

It's a gut feeling for the combination of evidence that, if not providing proof, at least begins to raise in the minds of a person, "you know what, that is kind of fishy."

Being a person who thinks highly of himself, I have refrained in most cases from presenting my opinions to others until I can meet this threshold, lest I be dismissed as a crank, which sometimes I probably am. But often I am not a crank, and I will thus "hold my fire" until the time is right when I know the evidence is such as to be, if not undeniable, then at least strong enough to lend credibility to my case, so that it cannot be dismissed out of hand.

My gut tells me we reached this point today with the Arizona audit. It was the email being circulated, among people who are reputable and cautious about fact checking such things, from one of the supervisors of Maricopa County essentially telling people in precinct stations that they should hand out ball point pens for early voting until the 2nd of November, but on election day itself they should use sharpie pens.

As anyone who remembers the election here, there were multiple accounts of people on election day being told they needed to use sharpies. This mini-scandal, dubbed "Sharpiegate," came and went in the flurry of the post election. I hadn't thought about it in a while.

Why is it important, and why is it scandalous if the circulated email is true? Because use of sharpies is a big no-no on ballots, as it can bleed through and cause counting errors. If sharpies were handed out as a mistake, that may be an innocent error. But IF people in the polling stations were told to hand out sharpies, we are dealing with manifest evidence of the crime.

But that's not all. We already know from hearings in the Arizona Senate that ballot paper used on election day was substandard and prone to bleed through. We know that ballots on election ay were printed so as to be misaligned form front and back.

What does this add up to? It means that a huge number of ballots that were cast on election day would be such as to generate errors when put through the counting machines. When this happens, the ballots go to adjudication. This essentially means that a human being looks at the ballot and decides by their own judgment what the person casting the ballot intended as their vote. They alone are responsible for this decision.

In a normal election, the number of ballots that need to be adjudicated is typically small. In Maricopa County, it has been typically been less than one percent. In the 2020 election, it was almost ten percent, if I recall the figure. That would put the number in the hundreds of thousands of votes that were informally decided by human beings in the polling stations, rather than by the counting machines. This is in a state that Biden supposedly won by eleven thousand votes.

Note we are not talking about mail-in ballots. We are talking about ballots cast on election day, and counted in the days after. Hundreds of thousands of votes, that could be counted in any such way as the person looking at them decided, with no checking or validation later.

Fortunately we have all the ballot images, supposedly, and these were in fact already examined in detail during the audit that has concluded. Somehow the people in the know are very confident that we are on the edge of explosive revelations.

I think so too. Somehow this feels like a definitive moment, when the facts can no longer be denied, that the people of this state were subjected to a hijacked election, and the 11 Electoral Votes were stolen for Biden. It possibly means the Senate should be a majority Republican at this point.

We are going to find out. Indeed. We are going to find out.

For my part, I owe an apology to the good people of Arizona. In the days after the election, I sneered at this state, that they would reject the greatest president in our lifetime, and possibly in American history. More and more, it is looking like they probably re-elected him a huge margin.

This is only the beginning of the proof. We have yet to see the detailed report on the ballot images.

And this process is going to play out, if not in all fifty states, then in perhaps a majority of them. 

Perhaps even in California, we will know the truth.

The Movie Theory

 Among the theories of interpretation that is held by some on our side is what might be called the Movie Theory. It is the idea that much of what we are seeing on the surface, and even slightly below the surface on the conspiratorial level, is in fact theater.

The contingent on our side that holds this interpretation usually explain it like this:

For many years, the world was in the control of a Cabal of insiders who arranged such things as massive world-wide sex trafficking among children. The Cabal, which is entirely bipartisan, has rigged elections to make sure it remains in power in many countries, including the United States. Trump and his allies have, since at least his election, been operating a world-wide military sting operation against this Cabal. The sting-operation has been largely successful. The battle has been all but won at this point. 

The Cabal has been destroyed, but for complex reasons, it has been necessary to allow the illusion to continue that they are still in power, including allowing the apparent theft of the election to take place.

In this theory, however, the "white hats", i.e. the good guys are firmly in power. They are conducting an ongoing theater operation of continued Cabal-Evil-led morality until the time is ready to reveal the reality to the world.

In reality, Biden is not only not in charge, but is most likely aware that he is not. He and many other members and stooges of the Cabal have been turned, but are being used as actors in the continued drama of Cabal Normality as part of their plea deals to avoid prison sentences or even execution for treason and other heinous crimes.  In some cases, they may be being played by body doubles.

The same thing is true for the media. The folks on CNN, etc., are playing a part in the movie, and they are increasingly aware of it. The election was a giant mousetrap and they all fell for it.

In reality, we are the verge of massively good things happening, tantamount to a Biblical-level Jubilee. We are not ready for it. The public still needs to come around to the right mentality, to become citizens again, active and not passive, and to have their minds prepared for this new world.

In the Movie Theory, the worst thing one can do is fall victim to fear, reacting to every bit of Doomsday new, whether from mainstream sources or emerging from more esoteric conspiratorial sources. Movies have actors. Movies have props.  Whenever you hear anything, no matter what the source, ask yourself: is this being designed to make me afraid? Is this being designed to sew division among us?

One must become aware that even the good guys must feed us disinformation for our own good, until we are ready to learn what is really real. For years we had staged events by the Bad Guys. Now we have staged events by the Good Guys, designed not to enslave us but to lead us step by step to learning the Truth, as if we are the ones deep in Plato's cave, and we are being led up to the light of day without straining our minds too much.

In the Movie Theory, even the election audits that started in Arizona are somewhat of distraction. They are not designed to achieve any tangible overturning of the election results, but simply to prepare the public for the greater truth.

To the extent that the Cabal has any real power left it in, whatever they attempt to do, even to the point of a worldwide collapse of the grid, will be headed-off and defeated by the Good Guys, who are in control and will prevent any Doomsday scenario from unfolding.

In the meantime, we see the current "Administration" looking like inept fools, bringing about nothing of any consequence by any of their actions. In the Movie Theory, they are just actors, so it is little wonder that no legislation is being signed. They are supposed to be in charge at this moment, so as we go through this period of apparent chaos (but which is not really chaos underneath it all), it will be they, and not Trump, who will held responsible for the mess we experience.

One of the most remarkable things about the Movie Theory is that is that is essentially the opposite of the Doomsday conspiracy theories we have heard from the margins of society for years. For many decades we heard nothing but how the control of the Cabal would lead to an apocalyptic end. In the Movie Theory, this was all true in its day, but has been defeated by Trump and his allies. We are now being prepared for the amazing world that is just around the corner. We will learn the real reality when enough of us are ready, and see the inept Cabal for what it is.

Bottom line: Relax. Enjoy the movie. The Jubilee is coming.

Cassandra Cargo Cult

 "For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth" Isaiah 21:6

There is something bizarrely comforting in exposing myself to the various semi-doomsday ideas that are circulating online. It makes my own life seem small and unimportant in all this, and in that, I find some peace.

Mostly we muddle through, taking each day in ordinariness, with the slight variations that arise in personal lives, and the world at large. Then some days happen that change everything, almost overnight, and we, and ourselves, are not the same again.

The last eighteen months have made us aware of how much the world can change in ways that most of us could not have anticipated. That doesn't mean that the projections of further wide-ranging changes, both catastrophically bad and jubilee-level good, are going to happen. But there were indeed people in the fall of 2019 warning us that a global pandemic was going to be rolled out. Of course some of these voices that been warning about this for years, so it was easy to dismiss them. It is perhaps just as easy to dismiss them now, for a different reason---now almost everyone is a prophet of doom in some sense. 

I'm always amazed whenever I catch wind of what is being proffered as the truth in mainstream media. White supremacists! Insurrection! Overthrow of the government! As much as I try to sort out the various conspiracy ideas on our side, I can only pity those on the other side, who seem to me lost in the most obvious of distractions and deceptions. If someone is still caught in that (and there are fewer every day) I know I can say little to help them right now.

Of course this is not to mention the health emergency, a subject I try to avoid on this blog. For one thing, I make a practice of not offering advice or commentary on issues that might affect one's personal physical well-being. What do I know is the truth? In a way I envy those who are caught in the mainstream matrix. So easily they can cast their truth on "science" and "experts", even as their use of those words seem like a Cargo Cult to me. 

Lately I have been listening to quite a few podcast videos and interviews about the health emergency, trying to get a grasp of the truth based on some evidence. There is some very fascinating information out there.

All I can say for now is that (1) I am not the least afraid of the bug, or any so-called Greek-letter variant of it. That is, I am not afraid of catching it, nor of any effect it may have on me. (2) I have no intention of rolling up my sleeve for any preventative therapy being distributed for it. (3) I am not intimidated by anything that may happen to me, or anything that may be prohibited to me, because of item 2. 

In short I refuse to be afraid. There is a great deal of debate on our side about the nature of the arm jab. Some believe it is extremely dangerous, and will result in a compromised immune system for any who accept it. They track the reactions and deaths ascribed to it. Others counter that this is part of the "fear porn" being shoved at us. That is the Establishment wants us to take the arm jab, AND also to be afraid of it at the same time. Among those with this point of view are those who think the arm jab is essentially a placebo. This latter view dovetails with a more elegant interpretation of Trump's role in developing it, which is a sticking point for those on our side who think the arm jab is fundamentally toxic.

The need to relinquish fear is the common thread among all paths through this maze. Our Lord told us as much. According to Scripture, our only fear should be of the Lord, and this fear is the source of all gifts of the Spirit.

Monday, July 19, 2021


 The first ten minutes of last minute's RET stream changed my mind greatly about the so-called "Black National Anthem." Patrick reads a letter from regular listener J.B. White, who is Black. I still don't find the tune very appealing, but the lyrics of all three stanzas, with White's commentary, are amazing. I'll all for having it sung before NFL games (so long as it is not sung by a Cabal tool like Alicia Keys, as it was before last year's Super Bowl). But I still don't plan to watch the NFL anyway.

Ominous Rumbles

 I mentioned a couple posts back that I monitor a wide spectrum of beliefs and ideas on our side, including some of the more exotic and conspiratorial ones. I usually would not write about them here until there begin to move towards the center of gravity of opinion. For example, Devolution--the idea that Trump put the military in charge of the country as caretakers before leaving office--was once exotic but has moved into the mainstream of thought among a lot of folks I follow. It is considered almost obvious by some at this point. 

As for election fraud, it is all but accepted as an article of truth now, given the audits that have already happened, and which are in the process of happening. A month ago, the idea of audits in all fifty states seemed absurd. No longer so. In fact there are movements to have them in at least half the states at present, including states Trump won, such as Texas. There is an expectation that an audit will show that Trump won many of these states by greater margins than the official ones, for reasons that I actually discussed in a recent Reading Epic Threads stream (which Patrick read). The idea is that the fraudsters needed to hit certain exact percentages in ALL the states, in order to make the results follow the same polynomial curve as the percentages state-by-state in 2016, but shifted towards Biden. A really bright scientist named Draza Smith who works at Sandia Labs in New Mexico hacked the "cruise control" algorithm that the coup plotters used to stoke the fake votes (phony mail-in and absentees) to hit the exact percentages they wanted. Her Telegram channel is amazing.

Quite a few people are convinced that we have living with fake elections since 2004.

The basic idea that has gained ground on our side is that Trump had to let this happen, in order to save the country. He had to let the theft proceed. For him to have interrupted it, so he could retain the presidency, would have solved nothing. We would be in the same position as before, and when Trump left office, the Cabal would be back to normal, controlling us.

He had to let the theft happen and put the burden on us, the People, to fix it.  We have to be the agents of change on an individual level. We have to wake up one by one. We have to tell our neighbors.

I see this happening already. After January 20, Ginger's mother and step-father were burned out from listening to Yours Truly insist that Trump would not let the election be stolen. Even I was burned out, in retreat, and could not face what had happened. 

Then the Arizona Audits started getting underway, slowly. I started mentioning it, casually. Now Ginger's folks are coming back in their RV this week to Mesa, and when we see them again, all will be changed. Everything that was a fantasy just two months before---that the Arizona legislature might actually audit the ballots, discover the fraud, and withdraw their certification of Biden's "victory"---now has either happened, or is likely to happen in the near future. Moreover it is almost certainly going to happen in other battleground states, enough to provide the Electoral Votes that would essentially decertify Biden as the winner.

The fact that this actually happening in reality led to someone on Twitter recently putting forth a statement that has been going around as meme: "What used to be called conspiracy theory is now called spoiler alerts."

We are certainly at a watershed moment of American history. None of us on the ground know what is going to happen in the coming weeks and months. But people are certainly waking up, and when they do, there will be no amount of propaganda in the world that will be able to control us. 

Because of this, many people are sensing that great danger lies ahead, and this in fact is one of the "ominous" things that is moving from fringe conspiracy into the common belief. It is the idea that the Cabal, as it sees its control slipping away, and the enormity of its evil exposed to the world, in a way that cannot be refuted or controlled, will take desperate measures to stop the process ahead.

Among the scenarios people commonly float is the engineering of a nationwide or worldwide collapse of the power grid, or of the Internet, accompanied perhaps by a collapse of the stock market, and disruption of the supply chain. The fact that we have been seeing so many "ransomware" attacks lately that have disrupted fuel and food chains is taken as possibly training people to expect this type of scenario.

Another piece of evidence is that World Economic Forum, which is as much the Cabal incarnate as any other group of people, last week undertook one of their periodic "big scale" planning exercises, which envisioned just this exact scenario I described. Why is this especially significant? Because the last such exercise they did was the planning for a worldwide pandemic that disrupted the world with a global shutdown. They did this in October 2019, four months before anyone heard about the Beer Bug.

On Rumble and other alternative platforms, it is almost becoming a standard belief that such an event will take place, and this will be the final catalyst that will prompt Trump to emerge from his clandestine cover and re-establish open control of the country.

It seems crazy to think this could happen, perhaps even in the next few months. But think of it. We KNOW the audits are going to prove that the election was stolen MASSIVELY and that it was done so as deliberate foreign attack on the United States. This IS going to come out, and it will be one of the biggest events ever in the history of the country. Do you think the people who did this are going to go down easily? 

We don't know the time frame at which this will happen. Some think Trump wants to slow down the audit process in the states, to have them reach a climax right before the 2022 Election, in order to ensure a massive victory in the Midterms, giving the Republicans solid control of both houses of Congress. This is the "slow lane" theory, I would call it.

Others see it playing out much more rapidly. Others even see the state audits as distraction from something bigger going on.

As I have said, I don't make predictions. I don't know what is going to happen, other than the momentum of the audits will continue, and they WILL show massive fraud. This seems obvious at this point.

My filter on reality predicted the audits would get this far. How has your filter on reality been faring?

My Niche In the Great Storm

 I may have the tiniest circle of influence, but people seem to like my stuff! (screenshot from Telegram Messenger app, referring to previously mentioned in the previous post). I endorse the idea of my essay becoming standard reading reading in math and statistics courses, mainly because if it did, it would mean that the 2020 election fraud would have become an accepted matter of historical record (spoiler alert: it will).


Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Day of Telegram

 We have reached monsoon season in central Arizona. The air has grown muggy and on many days, we have cloud cover and sometimes rain. We got a good soaking in the early morning on Wednesday. This is more than welcome, as it has been very dry, and we had little monsoon rain the last two years.

I spent much of day out on the porch, enjoying at times the breeze when it came, and using the fan when the breeze was not there. It was day to listen to videos and catch up on the world out there.

This is the Day of Telegram. It is clearly the platform that has become the center of gravity for our side. Videos are uploaded to Youtube,, or Rumble, or streamed on Twitch, but the discussion and sharing of them now happens largely on Telegram. When I hear about someone's "channel," I have begun to assume they are talking about Telegram.

It is a wild and wooly place, free of the heavy boot that prohibits discussion of many subjects on Youtube, or forces people to speak in code. One finds the spectrum of alternative beliefs, from the "mainstream ones" (such as the idea that Trump is still in charge and that Biden is not recognized as president), to the more exotic ones, which I could list here, but will not. It is not that I am not intrigued by them, and aware of them, but repeating them here would make any reader call into question my judgment. Perhaps I'll write a separate post about them. 

My main go-to Telegram channel is the auxillary one to Reading Epic Threads, the Youtube channel started by Patrick Gunnels. If you're on Telegram, you can search for "Reading Epic Threads." Having been banned by Youtube, Gunnels now livestreams through Twitch mostly. The Telegram channel is a like a 24/7 version of the comments stream while Gunnels is live.

(Funny I would barely have known what any of these platforms names mean six months ago)

Meanwhile I have become a minor regular contributor to Gunnels' livestreams. Last night I was even the lead-off hitter on what many consider was one of the best streams ever done by Gunnels. Among other things he read was the latest installment in what is a four part series from one of the listeners who calls himself "Patel Patriot." It was on Devolution, and it was brilliant. Basically he put forth the idea that Trump actually used a legal presidential directive to suspend the Electoral College count before January 6th. Thus nothing we saw that day had legal force, and no legal vote was conducted. Thus no legal president was sworn in on January 20, leaving the military to run the country. 

I found it to be compelling. Whoever he is, Patel Patriot has taken over from Thomas Wictor as the best voice writing on this topic. 

Shameless self-promotion:

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Part of me doesn't even care about politics anymore. I feel so tuned out from it. Part of it is that I feel contracted and focused on my own life, for various reasons. 

But it goes beyond that. I feel detached from so many of the things that used to drive the storms in my soul. I am still interested in them, but I look at them as an observer. Writing to my friend Stefan, I could only tell him what I have observed that others believe. I can barely assert any belief myself.

In my isolation from the world, I yearn to reach out to old friends, on some idea that perhaps it would be possible to do so. But I realize that most of them think I am supporter or terrorists, based on what they see on the news. They are told constantly that people like me are the worst threat to the Republic. How I wish we could break that spell. Maybe it will happen soon. All I can do is pray for it.

That seems to be the bottom line. For various reasons, God has reduced me to complete reliance on Him, and upon Him alone, at this moment. I have the mercy of having Ginger, without whom I would feel very alone at this moment. 

So I pray, not incessantly as the Apostle Paul tells us, but I almost getting there.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Practicing Madman

 Last fall after the election I was corresponding with friend Stefan, who is Swedish and lives in Switzerland. I was telling him about the election fraud, and how the various states were stolen, and that we had reached a 1776 moment in America. I told him we had to find a way to stop the fraud, or else the country was lost. He believed me---he's a patriot---but he was skeptical that anything could be done. He thought it was a lost cause to try to roll back the "Biden victory."

I hadn't corresponded with him since then. This week I decided to email him with an attempt at an update. It wasn't an easy thing to do. I had to start out by telling him that I barely felt like the same person as I was six months ago.

I told him he had been right about the election being a lost cause. I have no problem admitting I am wrong. I am wrong more often that I am right. My judgment is very poor on a lot of things.

This time I tried to report to him not what I believe so much as what people on our side believe, especially in regard to Devolution and the idea that Trump is still in charge, and that Biden is not recognized by the military as the President. I told him about the Arizona audit, and how it is going to be a nuclear earthquake. 

I had to write him two emails. In the first one I sounded like a madman. So I had to write a second one. Practice makes perfect.

I'm glad I wrote him when I did. Had I let any more time go by, before bringing him up to speed, I don't think I would make any sense at all.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Stress of Reading Verne Novels

 While in Flagstaff I finished reading Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, my third Jules Verne novel in the last six weeks.

I am a glutton for punishment, I suppose. Verne's novels, as I've mentioned, are very harrowing and often stressful read. In each of the three novels I just read, there are at least three distinct life-threatening scenarios that the hero or main characters face. One is near the beginning of the story, one in the middle, and one at the climax. The scenes place the characters in bleak and apparently hopeless situations, from which they are rescued through their own pluck, and by fate.

For example in Twenty Thousand Leagues, these three episodes are:

1.  Two main characters lost overboard in the ocean watching their ship sail away into the distance, and struggling to stay afloat with all their might.

2.  Entire submarine being trapped underwater in Antarctic ice bergs and all characters suffocating from lack of oxygen while fighting off being crushed by the ice.

3.  Main characters in a small boat being sucked into the maelstrom off coast of Norway.

I knew the pattern so I expected these incidents. Nevertheless it is getting a bit much for me. So I've decided to follow up with one last Verne novel on Kindle for now, Around the World in Eighty Days. I'm hoping it is a wee bit lighter, all in all.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Livestreamed in Flagstaff

 Up in Flagstaff over the long weekend, we stayed in the Little America motel, which was a splendid property, akin to a resort, with an expansive walking trail in the pines in back of the hotel buildings. We ate most of our meals at the onsite restaurant, venturing out only for one major foray to eat a restaurant in the hip part of town which required reservations. It reminded us of our days dining out in Portland when we lived there.

After dinner, we felt like sitting and people watching, so we walked over to the railroad depot that is along the main route through town (old Route 66). We could have sat there all evening, it was so pleasant. A few trains came roaring through. As everyone who lives in Flagstaff knows, Flagstaff is a "railroad town."

As we walked past the back of the depot, which is a renovated version of the original structure from 1926, we saw a sign indicating that the site was being livestreamed online as part of the "Virtual Railfan" network. Using our smartphones, we called up this feed on Youtube and verified that indeed it showed the platform in front of us. Using the passage of the next train, I calculated that there was a twenty second delay. At one point, to check the angle of the camera, I walked out and stood on the platform in sight of the live feed.

The depot reminds me of the movie "The Harvey Girls" starring Judy Garland, which is about the famous pioneering restaurant chain, which essentially invented the idea of modern chain dining, which we scoff at now, but was a tremendous innovation that allowed people to have dependable meals in a convenient fashion.  It was the real-life invention of Fred Harvey, a great American businessman. He had his waitresses dress alike up and down the train line, with a set menu.

That's the movie that has the song "On the Atchison, Topeka, and the Santa Fe."' The movie doesn't take place in Flagstaff but that's where Judy's character is heading at the end of the movie, presumably to meet her beloved. The descendant of that railroad still operates along the line through Flagstaff.

Other than that one outing, we spent much time lying around in our room with the screen door open, absorbing the cool air and the scent of the pines, which was highly therapeutic. The nights were delightfully cool. Typical for folks from the "Valley" (Phoenix and environs) we had both forgotten t o pack anything warm. Fortunately my long sleeve shirt was enough for our morning walks across the property to restaurant for breakfast. I hate being cold.

We were loathe to come back down off the rim. We like Flagstaff, and we think of relocating. It's basically impossible to buy a house there now. Demand is insane, and it is difficult to build new construction, as the town is essentially a small island surrounded by national forests. Anything that goes on the market gets multiple offers over the asking price and is sold within days. But at least we have both decided that Flagstaff is as far south as we should live.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Up on the Rim

 We are back up in Flagstaff for the Fourth of July weekend, staying at a sprawling hotel along Route 66 with a huge property in back among the pines. The air is cool. The smell of the pines is heavenly. I can't add anything more than that that is significant.