Monday, November 9, 2020

America's Berlin Wall Moment

 D-DAY 2000 hrs EST.

What a day it has been. Once could feel the amazing sense of gathering momentum online, and more and more on our side are beginning to feel that victory is coming.

None of us know how, except the insiders. I have fun speculating here, and I almost feel a sense that anything I do write, about what I think will happen, will turn out to be wrong in its specifics, even as it turns out to be correct in the end---the things I know in my gut.

But there is a sense that the Phony Presidency-Electorship of Biden is being rolled back The media is spinning harder than ever to make this a reality, but there is feeling that they are weakening with each passing day, mortally wounded by their behavior on Election night. There is a spirit of fun in mocking Biden and the Democrats for their insistence at having falsely won the election.

Twitter feels like the burning deck of battleship that is listing in the water after a massive firefight. At some point today it seemed like we had reached the critical mass of people leaving Twitter for Parler, the new platform. For years people have been trying to make a new Twitter, free of censorship. This has been difficult, but today might have been the point when it achieves critical mass.

It looks like the Trump strategy is to win in the Electoral College by wining Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Wisconsin after a recount. Also they will probably win Michigan in the end, when the fraud ballots are thrown out. And Nevada. One by one the states are going back to Trump. As for Arizona, I suspect they are waiting for the end of the first count, which is taking a long time. That may put Trump narrowly on top, but as I said, it doesn't matter in the end. 

At one point today I saw a tweet that said this is America's "Berlin Wall" moment. I thought that sounded appropriate. This is where we finally break free of Communism. 

A couple times I saw folks tweet "And this is only Monday." Yes. Just day one of the counterattack. And we are miles inland already.

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