Monday, November 16, 2020

The Evidence

 Latest word: the evidence will be made public when Sidney Powell presents it in court. Ron Coleman dropping hints that it goes far beyond the vote switching. It include the conspiracy of the people involved in doing all of it.

So far today just lots of posturing on Twitter, as we wait for the court case to be filed, the one they have been building up to. Everybody buzzing about the new vaccine, including Trump. Center of gravity of opinion on the lockdown is that they were part of the psy-op, even if the disease was real. and that no one is going to put up with them anymore.

A big trend over the last day or two: fake Twitter accounts posing at Sidney Powell, Mike Flynn, Rudy Giuliani and others spreading disinformation.

Add Amir Tsarfati as one of the trustworthy accounts with sources on the inside of Team Trump.  I think he is a friend of Ron Coleman.

Yesterday he tweeted this.

This morning this:

Edit: Ron Coleman retweeted this guy, suggesting to read the whole thread. I take Ron's suggestions seriously at this point. Basically he extends the theory of the crime to include Florida, which went horribly wrong for the Evil Side on the election night, and triggered the panic. Basically South Florida saved the nation on election night. That's also why they had to go with the phony Arizona call so early. When I saw the first sentence of the first tweet in the thread, I knew this guy was cut from the same cloth as me.

Big day for me. I'm preparing for a trip. Will be on the road for the next ten days. A special personal mission.

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