Sunday, November 29, 2020

This is the Climax of the 9/11 War

The Good Guys:

The Trump Administration (Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Chris Miller, William Barr and others)

Mike Flynn (Trump's military commander) and his allies

The U.S. Military (despite some rogue commanders on the side of the coup who are completely bypassed at this moment)

Allies of the Trump Administration within the U.S. government (people we will never know about)

Allied to Trump but keeping their distance:

The Israeli Government

The Saudi Government and the Gulf States

It is clear that the Saudis are taking the lead in neutralizing Iran during this period of chaos. Wictor is strong convicted of the idea that the Iranian nuclear scientist was not assassinated but defected with his family with Saudi assistance. "The Iranians are up crap creek." Few people who voted for Biden realize how massively destabilizing it would be for the U.S. to ally itself to Iran at this point, as a Biden administration would do.  The Israelis and Saudis long ago went their own way without us, realizing we were undependable. They are fully capable of taking care of Iran at this point on their own, even in opposition to us.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico

The Bad Guys:

Many elements with intelligence and law enforcement agencies within the U.S. Government (Coup plotters)

Key globalists allied to the coup plotters.

George Soros

Bill Gates

The Silicon Valley Tech Barons

The Communist Chinese Party

The Iranian Government

The Cuban Government

The Socialist Venezuelan Government

Members of both national political parties in the U.S. who had been paid off or blackmailed to support the coup, in part by allowing the penetration of the election by corrupt hardware and software designed to facilitate the coup.

The Democrats are ironically just pathetic stooges in all of this. They are just the henchmen hired by the Globalist to plunder us in the aftermath of the criminal coup.  The fact that they are keeping a low profile at the moment is telling, according to many. They know this is not going to end well for them.

Waiting for orders from the Globalists after the coup is settled:

Pierre Trudeau

Boris Johnson and the UK Government

All of the European governments except Hungary and a few allies.

Weakened by Trump over the last four years and hardly an issue at this point:

Putin and Russia


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