Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Miracle of a No-Parade Thanksgiving

 Confession and realization this morning: I don't miss the Thanksgiving Day Parade broadcast from New York. Not one bit.  

I used to love the festive atmosphere it created on Thanksgiving norning. But the last couple years I noticed it was morphing into a celebration of Wokeness that had laid bare the attempts by the media and Pop Culture to turn Thanksgiving into mere secular starting point for a shopping frenzy of online retailers.  God forbid anyone dress an Indian. 

I used to love watching the previews of the Broadway shows that were part of the NBC Broadcast during the first hour. The last couple years the featured dance numberss were dark and almost downright satanic in theme. Halloween has conquered all other holidays in our culture.  We have year-round Zombieland. 

Hey kids (and grownups who pose as kids), it's cool to be one of the damned. Now let's segue to a bunch of sixteen-year-old girls twerking as if in a sexual frenzy. So empowering!

Funny because last year, on seeing all this in the parade, I truly thought that maybe it was time to get rid of the spectacle, but I had no idea how that could happen.

I'm glad it's gone. I don't mind if the parade never comes back. I look at all of my enthusiasm for anything in Pop Culture differently now. I see it as part of the manipulation, that was used to almost destroy the Republic. I see how all the music I liked and the television spectacles I enjoyed were part of the corruption. 

The Supreme Court threw Cuomo in the trash yesterday and restored religious liberty. A huge turning point in the country perhaps. We are getting the country back.

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