Friday, November 20, 2020

Amazing Day

Georgia Sec. of State backs down from statewide certification. It wouldn't matter if he did certify, but the fact that he retreated for now is highly telling.

Michigan state legislators fly to Washington meet with Trump. Biden throws a bit about it.

Pennsylvania legislator begins hearings on the election and Dominion Voting System reps fail to show up.

At what point to the Democrats realize they are screwed. Actually in this amazing video thread by Duane Cates, they already do, which is why they are so quiet. It's the media still spinning the lies at full speed. I can't say if that's true, as the only media I've absorbed was while sitting in my Great Uncle Dick's living room.

I had the privilege of thinking over these things while walking along the shores of Lake Tahoe. It was a sunny day and I took off my coat in the sun as I sat on the rocks in the state park on the Nevada side. There is already snow on the peaks and enough for snowshoeing, had I brought my snowshoes.

Tonight I'm dining in Incline Village at my Great Uncle's favorite steak house up here. He can't eat out anymore, so I'm having a dinner in his honor in celebration of our visit.

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