Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Voices in a Choir

 We are accustomed to the idea that all battles are battles of power. My side, your side---who gets the upper hand? That's the entire idea.

Political battles, in this viewpoint, are battles over candidate's personality, over their styles of rhetoric, over how they make you feel. 

I have a truth, about how I feel. You have a truth, about how you feel. 

We struggle to assert our truths of how we feel. Somebody wins. Somebody loses.

What I just described here is, you should know, one of the key concepts of Marxism, specifically in its Postmodern manifestation that has become the ideology of much of America in the 21st Century, replacing the old Americanism at least within Pop Culture and Academia.

If you find yourself recognizing your own assumptions in the above paragraph, then congralations, you have bought into Communist propaganda in a hard way. 

Don't feel bad. I did too, for a long time. I am among the oldest of Generation Xers, an early prototype. My entire cohort was subjected non-stop to this kind of ideology for our entire childhood and young adulthood, so much that at this hour of history, most of the people I once knew from that era strike me as Marxist robots. 

There is still hope for some of them, but I have written off so many of them, members, with the sad realization that they may never snap out of it.

Anyone still listening and believing anything on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, AP,  PBS, NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and of course any foreign network, is either part of the other side, or a shell-shocked person on our side probably cowering in fear (thankfully this seems rare). 

Fox News was employed as a hard spearpoint in psy-op on Election Night. They thought they could manipulate conservatives this way. There is no doubt there was coordination there, with the general fraud. It fits too well.

I feel as if the phony Arizona call, right after polls closed, and the House call, were directed exactly at me personally, even though I know otherwise. I'm actually glad they called the House like that, because I knew absolutely that there was no possible way they could know that. It could only have been for psychological manipulation of the audience.

 J and I happened to be watching Fox at the time, which I'm glad for, since I got to see the fraud in motion as a witness, as God has made me so uncannily on occasions throughout my life, through no effort or intelligence of my own, and even despite of it.

Fox has lost half of its remaining audience in the days since then as everyone realized what they did. Everyone knows. They are unmasked as part of swindle. Folks have been tweeting about the mass exodus from Fox, even from Tucker Carlson, whom I've never liked. He will probably soon turn into a Judas Goat at some point over the next week, announcing  "Folks, its over." If so no one cares what he thinks. Tucker blew it. He has enough good will left that if he jumped ship from them now, he could survive, but outside that he might as well be on CNN. Anyone who stays with Fox is part of them.  When this is done, we are building a whole new media (the building of it is already well underway).

This list of media I mentioned is exactly the posse of Wizards trying to take you down with lies, as if they standing in a line waving their arms at you to submit. But they are getting weaker by the hour and they know it.  Can't you feel it?

Our will is stronger than theirs. Why is our will stronger? How do I know this?

Is this just about out-muscling them? Is this just about power games, of using our will and legal maneuvers to put our guy into office, the guy who makes us feel good, and makes them feel bad?

No. This is the War of Meaning. This is about truth. Not your truth. Not my truth. But the Truth.  

This is a war over whether such thing exists that is called the Truth.

Part of the manifestation of the Truth, a big part, is the Rule of Law. Part of the Rule of Law, in this year and historical epoch, is that the United States be maintained as Constitutional Republic.

I understand now why I spent much of last year on this blog researching the origins of Deconstruction. It was so that I would be psychologically prepared for this battle in my own way. 

Part of my assignment in this war apparently has been to arm myself with the deepest research and insight I could find about the philosophic grounds of the other side's arguments, so that I know them so well, I can read their thoughts coming and going when they try to think. It's easy in a way because I used to be one of them, so I know how they think. 

As I type these words, I have the sudden insight, of how I decided a long time ago that I would dedicate sacrifice every other ambition and goal I had entertained about my future in order to make myself unoutflankable by the Tellers of Lies

In college in the 1980s I saw this apocalypse coming in my own way. I saw what was inevitably going to happen---not the specifics, but exactly this crisis. 

So in my own youthful chaotic way, I threw out every other idea about my life's course, grabbed the heaviest piece of weapon of the Truth I could possible carry (physics), and I ran to the top of the hill of thought and dug in and began to wait for this very moment. Along the way I discovered that as powerful as physics is, there are weapons of thought far more powerful than that. 

I knew I had to do this even from when I was very young---seven years old, right around the Election of 1972, when we lived in a tiny town in Iowa.. I looked around saw the people my age and I knew we wouldn't be able to hold it all together, this great beautiful Republic that had been built for us to be born into. I knew somehow we would be weaked by some force that would make us incapable of keeping its structure together without a crisis. So I---like others my age, I've since learned---set about to make sure that we would do whatever it took to make sure we would weather the crisis ahead. It was about knowledge, and the Truth.

But I could only use this power of insight I've acquired in the fight if God wants me to. Otherwise it's just ego on my part. It would just be pride,  I feel like I have been in reserve, waiting for the moment to come forth. 

How does one speak the Truth? The Holy Spirit speaks the Truth.  He is unassailable when He speaks, including through us. It is the Truth of righteousness. If you stand before a wizard and start speaking the Truth, it destroys them because all they have is the Manifold Lie, hurled at you through spells. The Truth holds together under attack. It gives you rock ribs. The idea of backing down to Lies seems laughable.  Lies fold. 

The Truth keeps troops in formation in battle, shoulder to shoulder, moving forward in rank. The Lie sends them reeling in chaos and confusion.

What does it feel like, when you are speaking the Truth? Curiously, it feels somewhat like marching. When you hear it, it makes you want to join in and march along, not raising a clenched fist in anger, with the fire in the night and lust for satisfaction of humiliation of your enemy, but joyfully singing in the full light of day. Unless it feels that way, it isn't the Truth. It's a Lie.

Marching with the Truth makes you not care so much when the enemy fire comes back at you. You know it's about way more than you. You want God to use you for however He cares to use you, at this moment, even it means your life. Nothing in the world can make you back down. The Truth is that what can't be denied, no matter what. 

The Truth is that the nation has come under massive attack at this hour from forces determined to overthrow the Constitutional Republic and institute a regime of tyranny.

The Truth is that the other side has committed an enormous crime by attempting to steal a national election to overthrow the Rule of Law. 

The Truth is that the existence of the Constitutional Republic is in the balance and that the enemy must be defeated.

The Truth is that the entire suite mainstream media is dedicated to this overthrow and are shamelessly participating in the commission this crime.

The Truth is that all of this obvious to any rational observer at this moment.

The Truth is that more and more people are realizing this with each passing moment.

The Truth is that if you are with the other side, and you persist with your beliefs, you are likely to lose your mind completely in the days ahead, as the Lie is uprooted.

The Truth is that no one on our side cares what you think of us.

The Truth is that no one on our side cares if you were one of the bamboozled ones, provided you are willing to open your eyes now. 

The Truth is that we are fighting for everyone on you side too, as much as for ourselves.

The Truth is that if you wake up now, we will welcome you with complete amnesty of your past. We've ALL been there.

The Truth is that Donald Trump won re-election in a massive landslide that caught the other side by surprise on election night, sending them into so much panic that they committed last-minute fraud on a scale unheard of in American history. There is absolutely no doubt of this in my mind. 

The Truth is that these acts were not random isolated incidents of ordinary people, but partially coordinated in advance across many states who talked to each other through various methods of communication.

The Truth is that the low-level folk who got caught up in this are not going to want to go to prison for the sake of the power ambitions of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, and the criminals who helped them in this crime. 

The Truth is that Trump's strategy to defeat them and save the country is working.

The Truth is that they went way too far this time.

The Truth is that the criminals will be made to pay for this.

The Truth is that even their own side knows this.

The Truth is that God will empower his servants with the Spirit, which is the only true empowerment. 

The Truth is that God can and WILL step into human history to act to save his people and to assert His Justice for them.

The Truth is that when God is stirred to act in this way it feels almost beyond miraculous to behold.  It makes you weep with joy.

The Truth is that when that moment comes, you absolutely do not want to be on the other side of it.

Many years ago I sang the bass-baritone part of this arrangement. It was my high school graduation. It was the tradition to perform that every year at commencement. I have always loved traditions, for the most part. I loved being a part of that pageantry that honored the past, and being part of the historical flow of America.I always love that moment when the Altos come in. Like a breath of fresh air for the men. That verse. Always so fun to sing the staccato bass line in it. I could probably step into the risers and sing it right now.


Many of those on stage with me, and on the floor in chairs, wearing commencement robes on that day, are the people I have spoken of over the years in this blog, who provided so much fellowship to me, and from whom I am now mostly estranged. Some are gone from the Earth. Many others have fallen away and joined that other side. I forgive them all, the ones who have done so, and will always love them, even as I know what we have to do will cause them so much pain. I wish some would still come with us. 
I always thought it was a nice song, stirring and patriotic. Then at some point the words started making a lot more sense, as if I had never listened to the them until that moment, and understood the meaning they had to the composer, and to the people of her generation. Then every word start sounding like gut punch. It made me want to be worthy of singing the words. 

Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. Job 38:3

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