Monday, November 30, 2020

The Short War


Waiting on the Arizona hearings to start on RSBN. I'm guessing will provide a quasi-evidentiary hearing that will be part of the suit of contesting of the Arizona election. This is necessary to open the door to an appeal of the contested election to the House of Representatives, with the approval of the Supreme Court.

Big things are going on that are not seen by the public. Somehow I can feel it. A soldier's intuition. I am far behind the front lines, but my gut tells me that many big things are in the progress.

People will now realize we are at war. I predict this will be common opinion by the end of the week. Hopefully it will be a very short war.  Hopefully it will all be over by the time we even know about most of it.

"The largest cyberwarfare attack against voting in history, certainly against the United States."

Treason is a word that has a meaning.

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