Thursday, November 12, 2020


 This morning I woke up with an ominous feeling. It was not about the outcome of the election. My gut is as steady as ever there. I felt ominous about what lies before us in the days ahead.  Many feel we are in a period of danger. There is a feeling circulating social media that the treasonous plotters will do something drastic to attempt to thwart their exposure. Beyond the mass purge that people expect, there is a serious expectation among some that social media will simply go down entirely at some point. It seems far-fetched by the mood is that little is off the table, as far as a counterstrike from the treasonous plotters. Rumors swirl amidst those who follow the anonymous message boards that a false flag event will happen in Las Vegas, at one of the hotels made famous in the heist movie with George Clooney, the one with the Italian-sounding name.

Of course it goes without saying that I have no idea if anything of these have any grounding in reality. I am simply reporting what people are saying to give you idea of the tone of things. The fact that they are in circulation tells you something. People expect the beast is going to strike back hard when it feels it might go down. The feeling can be summed up as---brace yourself.

There is a feeling too of revulsion at what is being revealed as the plans for the "Biden Administration," like we are seeing the evil side expose itself. It is a sick reminder of what is at that stake, that there is no future for America as we know if we don't stop and expose this crime.

People are hungry for that exposure. The theory of Donald Trump as superhero fighter, fighting for us against these people will be put to the test over the next two weeks. At the end we will know the verdict on that. Or not. Maybe they will just pull it out by raw force of will in lawsuits that grindingly throw out chunks of ballots until he has won back three of GA, MI, WI and PA.  Nobody knows what will happen with Arizona. Trump campaign has seemed unconcerned with it overall, as if it were never part of their strategy.

Our side is hungry for the first victory. Let's get Georgia back. There is a feeling that once the first one goes, the other side will begin to feel the shock.

We have entered a phase where many of us can only watch. Many others are doing the hard work on the ground to bring in the mountains of evidence for the crime. The days ahead will be won or lost by concrete action. 

On Twitter, I peruse the feeds and notifications but the only feed I really care about is Donald Trump's. It is by his tweets that I steer my course, and these are unwavering in his insistence that we will win. He hasn't been wrong yet about these kinds of things. Trump was the reason I joined Twitter after resisting for years. I made an account in October 2016 because the Donald subreddit was having a campaign to gin up the number of Trump's followers above a certain number, one that has long since been eclipsed by an order of magnitude. And here I am at the end, taking my cue from his feed at the end. As long as he says we're going to win, then I believe him 100%.

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