Friday, November 27, 2020

Seventeen Days

 Trump has made the goal clear: that the world wakes up on the morning of Tuesday, December 15, and Joe Biden has not been elected President by the Electoral College. If we get to that point, then the advantage swings massively to Trump.

The Democrats and their backers (selected individuals among the larger Globalist community), took their best shot at overthrowing the Republic on November 3. Believing Trump to enfeebled among his public support, but knowledgable they can can pull off close wins, they set the stage for a beefed-up Dominion steal operation, a "foolproof" version of what they did in 2016. Then having seen from election day turnout that Trump was going to swamp them, they initiated panicked reactions over the next several hours, including narrative control through selected media outlets, stalling the vote count, and frantic phony ballot creation to match the Dominion numbers they needed (which were comically outrageous in size). Then over the next few days they kept this operation going while thuggishly keeping anyone from watching them. The parroting media repeated the story of Biden's victory, and that all was normal otherwise.

Now Trump gets his shot at retaliation over the next seventeen days. It is already well underway. He has spent the time between election day and today setting up the stage for what he needs---in addition to what was already set up before the election, which was no doubt enormous in scope.

We are going to wake up in a different nation on December 15. Either Joe Biden will have been elected, and we face the reality that the American Republic no longer exists, or we live with whatever awareness we will have, of things of which we do not know, but will have been exposed by Trump. Both of things could happen, actually, but I doubt it. I think only one of the two will have happened by then.

Perhaps, simply,  in Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona (as they just did) and/or Georgia ,tranches of Trump votes hidden by Dominion by uncovered in the behind-the-scenes investigations that are now happening,  or large blocks of signature-less paper ballots or votes loaded from now-missing memory sticks are disqualified sui generis, to flip two of these  to Trump, and Pennsylvania invalidates its own electoral votes, or by court decision.  Or Michigan does likewise, etc. Then Trump wins in the straight up way on December 14 and the election is over.

Even if Trump wins in this simple scenario, however, he will certainly have exposed much between now and then. At this point, he must do this, because he has promised to do so. The nation needs answers as to what happened. We know this was not normal. Guilty parties need to be identified at the very least. We will need some of that knowledge, if not all of it, to learn from this as a nation, and to make sure that it never happens again.

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