Sunday, November 29, 2020

We are at War

 This is the thought that hit me as I went for a walk this morning, after reading people talking about Flynn's recent comments.

1. We are at war as a nation right this minute. There is no avoiding this brutal fact. We may not like it, but there is an attempted foreign-backed coup underway, playing out as we speak.  It is the most serious attack on the integrity of the nation and the Republic since the War of 1812.  This is a military conflict. The nationwide coordinated attempt to steal the election is the main theater of this conflict, but by no means the only one going on. Donald Trump and his allies are defending the nation from this coup using the U.S. military.. Military casualties have already been taken.

2. The legal and political levels are only dimension of what is going on. Much of the important action at the moment is invisible to the public for now, and being conducted by members of the U.S. military loyal to Trump and Flynn.

3. The coup involves a blatant insurrection by people within multiple agencies within the federal government. 

5. Mike Flynn is effectively in command of the war effort, by delegation from Trump. Flynn is now the guy to pay attention to, when he speaks. Trump has unmuzzled him to play this role at this point. Trump himself has pulled back in his Tweets and in his interview this morning with Maria Bartiromo.  His vagueness means that enemies surely think they have him on the ropes. That is probably exactly what Trump wants them to think.

6. It is not possible to know the timetable over which this will play out, but Team Trump is 100% confident of victory over some timetable that is only guessable by anyone else. At this point I am confident that any guess about the details on my part would be wildly errant. I'm resolved to being surprised at what does and does not happen according to any of my expectations over the weeks to come until Trump is sworn in for his second term.

7. Trump has indicated he is going to reveal the significant aspects of all of this to us at some point, perhaps very soon.

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