Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Day of Flynn

 "Communist China decided to move up its become the global Superpower."

Interview with Flynn on WVW-TV site. This was done on Friday evening and is the first interview Flynn has given since his pardon.

"You used the word coup..."

"10 out of 10 that Donald Trump will be President..."

"The electronic vote did not achieve the result they needed on the 3rd of November...They realized we have to stop...unheard of. They shut down five states that night. From the 4th to the 7th we see the mail in ballot fraud."

Video thread by Pat Scopelliti, who has worked with Flynn, interpreting the Flynn interview. It is a long video but well worth listening to, explaining the nature of where we are at. I've linked to the video at 2:25 because Pat spends the first part of the thread until then as roundabout intro. The last part of the video is actually the heaviest.

Were U.S. soldiers killed in Frankfurt in the server raid?

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