Friday, November 27, 2020

A Patriot Hero in Pennsylvania

 Doug Mastriano has stepped into the role of a patriot-hero for Pennsylvania, so far acting as worthily in his moment of history as many great patriots in that state before him. It is deeply satisfying seeing people come forth this way and shine with courage and conviction of justice.

He is the Republican Pennsylvania state senator who chaired the hearings in Gettysburg, at which Giuliani presented evidence, and Trump spoke remotely. He is leading the effort to pass a join resolution of the legislature to reclaim from the Governor the power of choosing Electors, which is a right granted to legislatures by the U.S. Constitution. Many state legislatures have given away this power, but they can reclaim it, as the Pennsylvania Republicans are trying to do.

Who'd of thought we'd have a patriot named Doug in the Second 1776?

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