Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Good Guys

 My earlier post had some errors regarding who is acting in what role. 

Team Trump (The Trump Campaign)

Donald Trump (plaintiff in the suit in Pennsylvania)

Rudy Giuliani (Trump's attorney)

Jenna Ellis (Campaign spokesman)

Mike Pence (his running mate)

Trump Allies in Government Not Part of his Campaign:

Mike Pompeo (Secretary of State)

William Barr (Attorney General)

His new appointees in the Defense Department

Many people in various agencies, especially military special services and intelligence.

Team Flynn, allies and confidants with Team Trump.

Mike Flynn 

Sidney Powell (his attorney, and also plaintiff in various lawsuits in the states)

Recently with Team Trump:

Ron Coleman (having him not longer on Team Trump officially is a great asset right now).

Other private citizens

Lin Wood (Georgian filing suit in his home state. Sidney Powell shares info with him I think)

The rest of us, doing our part.

RNC Chair, allied with Trump:

Ronna McDaniel

Trump's family:

Melania Trump (First Lady)

Donald Trump Jr.




The previous confusion of Powell's role (that she was somehow on Team Trump) is the kind of fuzziness that Trump and Flynn love to use, to confuse their enemies. It worked brilliantly here. With Flynn pardoned, Powell is free to pursue the lawsuits she has filed over the use of Dominion in various states. These suits will be pursued even after the election is settled.

As far as Team Trump, it is brilliant to have just a single lawsuit. It says we only need one. We can wrap the whole enchilada of the election in it if we need to, and present it to the Supreme Court. We are confident they will decide in our favor.  

That being said, if they file more of them at this point, then I'm sure that's the right to do as well. 

Trump is fabulously empowering new allies in the states, who are leading the charge with their suits on a state level. These are:

Kelli Ward in Arizona (State GOP Party chair, who was enthusiastic for Trump and praised highly by Trump at his rallies. Compare this to Trump's treatment of Martha McSally, or "Mawtha" as Trump calls her)

Adam Laxalt in Nevada (former Nevada Attorney General, who appeared on state with Trump)

John James in Michigan (challenging his apparent loss in the U.S. Senate race, and thus keeping a wedge open in the state for Trump)T

rumpis also breathing life into the spirit of the state legislatures, who in the origin Constitution were entrusted with great powers, but which have enfeebled since the Progressive Era. The legislatures in Michigan and Pennsylvania seem especially keen to correct the reputations of their state elections.

Trump & Flynn: The Best Buddy Cop Movie Ever. Trump just got his partner back.

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