Saturday, November 14, 2020

Air Power

 Saturday morning.  

I crammed in my work on a current project on Friday night so I wake up today with nothing on my agenda momentarily. Is there anything but the election to think about? Not really. 

Having an intense work project deadline these past few weeks was a relief. Good news on Twitter was like a drug that let me concentrate on my day job. I needed multiple hits a day. Yesterday was a very productive day.

As a mere observer at this moment,  I can say that the general sense from our side is that things are about to get very serious in terms of evidence, over the next week. Trump has opened up the war on Dominion, and has fingered the RINO Republican governor of Georgia as being connected to this. So much for my previous theory that Kemp would help Trump beat the machine. 

Michael Flynn's attorney, meanwhile, is speaking about "unleashing the Kraken." Multiple credible sources speak of very, very damning evidence to come out soon. 

News, or rumors of news, of seizures of servers in Germany. The missing piece of the puzzle in the accusations---foreign involvement in the crime---is now making its way onto the radar screen of information. 

This week was a steady advance on the ground, gathering affidavits and video testimony. Next week will be the massive dogfight in the skies for control of the terrain. This is where, God willing, we will begin to blow them out of the sky, people are feeling.

Team Trump, as ever, is acting like they have all the cards. They give the impression of this being more than just a good chance that Trump will be re-inaugurated in January. They act like it is a done deal. Mike Pompeo pretty laughed off the possibility that Trump wasn't going to have a second term. 

A Tweet from an incoming newly elected Republican Congressman, a black woman, expressed the kind of sentiment I have seen over and over. She mentioned having just gotten off a conference call with Trump and now feels much better about how things are going to play out. The closer folks are to Trump's inner circle, the more confident they seem about this. Soon perhaps the rest of us will let in on some of the things revealed to them. 

Big rally in D.C. today. I pray that it goes peacefully. It's just a preview of what's ahead. I'm pretty sure we could five to ten million next time, if need be. 

I keep getting flashbacks to previous times when it seemed like it was all over for Trump. For example during the 2016 primaries, there was a moment, after Tuesday, when it appeared as if the anti-Trump forces running the Republican Party at the time were going to arrange things to make it impossible for Trump to go into the Convention in Cleveland with a majority on the first ballot. He would fall short, lose on the first ballots, and then all the delegates could swing to, say, John Kasich. That's why Kasich celebrated after winning the Ohio Primary like he'd won the whole thing. He assumed that meant he would be the nominee, after they deposed Trump.

Instead what happened? Trump not only got a majority of delegates but in the end it wasn't even close. Somehow they had seen all this coming and arranged to not lose. Afterwards all that worry that they were going to steal the nomination from him looked silly. It was apparent it was never really in doubt. 

Hold that thought.

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