Friday, November 20, 2020


 D-DAY+11 1200 EST

The big lawsuits are now being filed. Georgia is the thunderclap.  

Themes of the day:

People learning that Tucker Carlson is not a dependable patriot.

Everyone realizing Sidney Powell doesn't bluff.

Everyone realizing Sidney Powell will be among the short list of great patriots in this phase of the ongoing American Revolution. 

Meta-theme; the struggle between trial in a court of law and trial by public opinion through the media.

Meta-commentary: Batman's criminal adversaries used their showiness to dazzle people and let them walk off with the fruits of their crimes. Batman defeated them in part by having an even cooler costume. 

Add on #1:

Dominion not putting up a fight but cowering and running for cover. 

Personal commentary: I've had bad coding jobs, but none as bad as the people they hired to do this. These people, many of them foreigners who've never set foot in the U.S., are in a world of hurt. Each single one of them is probably subject to U.S. military apprehension at this point. If I were them I would rush to come clean and possibly walk free when this is done.

Add on #2:

Hunch: Wisconsin is going to an easy flip. It will happen in the recount, which will also be a real audit. Many mail-in ballots will be thrown out, far more than enough to flip the state back to Trump. How do I know? Trump tweeted out the graph of Wisconsin votes on the night of the election. This is to my recollection as well. The spike at 3:42 AM (which I witnessed at the time with many others) is grotesquely massive and was coincidentally just enough to give Biden the edge at the end. Recall this happened at a time when counting was supposedly stopped for the night (which never happens, but somehow happened in six states at once in this election). 

Bizarre hunch: at some point, the Democrats will begin openly defending election fraud as necessary.

Team Trump:

Donald Trump

Jenna Ellis

Rudy Giuliani

Sidney Powell

Recently Team Trump and still very close:

Ron Coleman. Video of Ron Coleman explaining what he does and does not know. 

Private citizen allied with Team Trump:

Lin Wood (Georgia)

State-level GOP officials allied with Team Trump:

Kelli Ward (Arizona GOP chair)

Adam Laxalt (Former AG of Nevada) 

Various party leaders and legislators in Michigan and Pennsylvania.  There is a sense that the various states will be allowed to clear up their own messes as much as possible, with the exception of Georgia, where they are going to have to use strong muscle against a corrupt Governor and state GOP.

Meta-realization #2: Trump is teaching the nation the civics of federalism, and the genius behind it. He did this during the pandemic by empowering the governors of the states as much as possible. He couldn't say enough about the importance they brought to the effort, if you watched his daily briefings as we did. The press couldn't understand the concept of it. I don't get it! Why doesn't the federal government just do everything, they whined. What a disgrace that it was people like that who are allowed the rare privilege of asking questions of the President at a time of crisis. This is the rotted fruit of the American higher education system. You had to be a throwback to care about such things. I know. 

Now Trump is teaching us the importance of state legislatures, which were once the cornerstone of American democracy. Until the Twentieth Century, Senators were almost like ambassador-negotiators from the state to the federal government, appointed by the legislatures. That way the states themselves had a direct voice in the running of the federal government. The people had a voice through the state legislatures, and also directly through the House of Representatives. 

Trump is forcing the state legislatures to step up. He is making it appealing to them to do so, because it will make them feel like patriots saving the country, which is exactly what they will be doing. It seems to be on track to working in Pennsylvania and Michigan. It's almost impossible to see Biden getting those 36 electoral votes at this point. That puts Biden at max 270. One more state gone and it goes to the House, if not Trump winning outright in the Electoral College. Hello, Wisconsin?

The Biden fantasy is coming unglued by the hour. Best appreciate the horrifying view into dystopia while it lasts.

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