Thursday, November 26, 2020

So Much to Be Thankful For

 Back home in Arizona. Got home last night after sundown. I stretched my usual practice of not driving past on the road the last two nights, one while coming into LasVegas from the north, and last night while coming into Phoenix from the east. Driving in the dark on an Interstate while approaching a city is actually preferable to driving into a city in the daytime. This is especially true when coming home

What a last couple days it has been. Somehow I knew that the drama of the election would reach a critical point on the day before Thanksgiving. Trump, as many have pointed out, is master showman who once wanted to be a movie director. I knew he would not let people head into Thanksgiving without something huge happening. 

Yesterday was huge. I could sense it even from the limited checks of Twitter I could make while driving back from Las Vegas. Over the weekend many people on Twitter---not folks on the ground---were peeling away from Trump. Where's the Kraken, eh? The usual weak-willed souls, afraid of having too much "hope" were reverting to their sad sack defeatist ways. They are defeated people who can only imagine a defeated Trump. It was perhaps the last cleansing of our side, to expose the strong and weak in this moment.

By mid day yesterday the sentiment had changed drastically. A confident feeling that Trump really will be victorious is now gaining traction. 

I had already marveled at the impatience of the weak defeatists. Two weeks ago, when Biden was "declared" the winner by the media, Trump was telling people that the nation would know that he was the clear winner.  That was accomplished in the following week. Everyone knows he was the real winner, even the Democrats. We now can see that the boast of Team Trump to have massive evidence of fraud was no bluff. Challenges are underway in all the critical states. 

Flynn was pardoned because it is no longer necessary, as it was, to continue his court case in order to provide the grounds for legal discovery against the coup plotters. He can step into an open role in the Trump Administration tomorrow. Democrats can pound sand and scream. This is the kind of wailing I could play on my headphones while falling asleep at night. Four years of their wailing during the upcoming Second Trump Administration will be almost as pleasurable as listening to Handel's Messiah.

This morning the Supreme Court delivered a massive rebuke to Cuomo on religious liberty. Amy Coney Barrett made the difference. Gorsuch stepped into his moment of his history to assert the Constitution's primacy even in this "pandemic." This is the buzzsaw awaiting Biden and the Democrats.

People are going to have Thanksgiving. The liberal attempt to rid us of this hated holiday of family and reverence is going to fail. 

For that, I am very thankful.

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