Friday, November 13, 2020

Stillness on the Battlefield

 I woke up today with the feeling not to anticipate anything huge happening today, that it would feel like a day of suspension for those of us watching from the sidelines. Some of the big election-related accounts were tweeting about other things, including baseball. How 'bout them Marlins with their new female GM?

My gut check says don't worry at all. Just because I don't know the plan doesn't mean there isn't a plan, or that it isn't in full motion. Just because I can't see how this will work out in a way that will restore justice and preserve democracy doesn't mean it won't. I am perhaps easily in the 99.9% percentile of the population in my knowledge of American electoral history, but even my electionology is nothing at this moment.

The stillness somehow feels like a good sign. If Trump had truly lost, or felt it was a long shot for him, I think he would be behaving much differently at this moment.  Instead he's behaving as if they know they have won, and they will prove in spades when the time is right. We know there was massive fraud. Will this be discovered and proven in time in a way that saves the country? 

All this worrying about "omg will Wisconsin do its recount right and find the fraud?" will seem silly when it is over, probably. Just my hunch. We'll see that there was never any danger of losing this. That's what my gut is telling me at least, backed by reason of what I am observing from Team Trump, who are the only people that matter. Trump has indicated that next week will be when things really start happening. That means patience for us.

As if anticipating these thoughts Ron Coleman just tweeted this out:

DM is twitter speak for "direct message." I always laugh when I hear how the big twitter accounts receive tons of DM's asking them to respond to various theories. Makes me glad I am not one of the big accounts. I mean that seriously. It's like a full-time job, to have a big twitter following. Only certain people are cut out for it. The last thing I want is to get tangled up with strangers online. I cringe when I get a notification that someone has replied to a comment I made. Almost always it something I could have lived without having to read and think about.

Later today we'll have Wictor's video in response to the CISA communique that this election was "the most secure in U.S. history." We already know the person who sent that out, and his situation at CISA. Wictor is on the case to explain it. I'll update later after he posts the video he indicated will come later today.

Perhaps Trump will tweet something meaty as well at some point. But if not, I can live with today being a suspension of the mad rush of events on the surface. We grunts can sit behind the lines for the moment and play cards, and talk about batting averages and Betty Grable. Tomorrow is a big rally in D.C.  I wish I were there. Maybe for the next one.

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