Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Three Stooges Reboot?

 Is this what happened to create the vertical jumps in total, as explained by Saul Montes-Bradley?  

Montes-Bradley is one of Wictor's close friends, and the founder of QuodVerum.com. He is one of the folks in the crowd I found myself disagreeing with, but he is certainly on our side, so he is ok by me.

I'm busting out laughing just thinking about the possibility that he's right about this scenario.. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this is what happened. But I can't tell. If so, what wonderful idiots. If the Republic is saved by the crappiness of the software,  and their clumsiness at manipulating it, then it would be so beautiful. I think we will find out, a some point.

Note: this clip starts at 1:27:30 of a much longer video that includes the two Cates brothers, Brian and Duane, who live in Texas.

Both have been close comrades of Wictor. Brian, who is legally deaf, just got tossed from Twitter as well, for retweeting something carelessly. That's how easy it is for us to lose our platforms. Thankfully Duane is still on Twitter for now, providing links for us to the alternative platforms.

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