Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Narrative Ahead

Sunday morning. It's going to be a huge week.

 I went to bed last night after listening to this video of a thread by Rex at quodverum. Rex was a friend of Wictor and Cates on Twitter until he was banned over a year ago. 

Most interesting part of the thread is where he imagines the conversation between Trump and Barr before the election. Is this how it happened? They know the Democrats are going to attempt to steal it through election fraud. They know they could prevent it. They choose not to, in order to bust them. "Whatever Barr's response was must have satisfied POTUS."

A tweet by Trump this morning seems to support something like this: they knew how the Democrats would cheat with Dominion. They let it happen, and watched them in real time. 

Note: some people freaked out about this tweet, asserting it was a concession. This is just the way Trump expresses himself in tweets and in speeches. 

So the glitches were them getting caught. But they let the mail-in ballot fraud happen, knowing it would give Biden an apparent victory, all the while knowing they had irrefutable evidence of a larger conspiracy of fraud. 

The heavy hammer of proof will be the electronic manipulation. This proof of digital manipulation is the "Kraken". This mail-in ballot fraud was the low-level stuff that will come out and be overturned, once the electronic manipulation is demonstrated. They are building up independent proof of it, through what Giuliani is doing. That seems to be the path they are hinting at.

I think this thread from Ron Coleman is very instructive. 

Yes, Democrats know they cheated. They think it was necessary and good to do this, just as they think it is necessary and good that peaceful Trump supporters be assaulted in the streets. 

As far as things like the Durham reporter. The thinking is: whatever is in the report will seem like small potatoes compared to what will be shown to us in the near future.  In the light of what will be revealed, it will be obvious that the assertions in anything Durham found were correct. That would play out much better than if he had released the report already. It would have been brushed aside by the media, swallowed into the abyss of ignorance. Now everyone will know it was true. That's my hunch at the moment, at least.

Update: I've added Lin Wood to the accounts in my notifications feed. He is an insider with Team Trump. He is very strong in his assertion that Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia, is in deep, deep trouble---legally, not politically.

All the insiders are speaking with one voice. The quietest voice is actually Trump's. As Scott Adams has said, "the quiet Trump is the one that scares them the most." I suspect he is enjoying the media claiming that Biden has won, knowing the fate that awaits them all.

Of course Sidney Powell is in my notifications now too. She would know what's up.  Notice the use of the past tense in her tweet below. So I think it's safe to say that we can all chill and enjoy the show from here on out. It may seem tense in the days ahead, but remember that Donald Trump is a showman. He knows the most effective narrative for the nation to experience. Funny: that's what I was obsessed with, in this blog, for years on end---understanding narrative.

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