Saturday, November 14, 2020

My Real Twitter Feed

If you use Twitter, you know there are two ways of following other accounts. The first way consists just pushing the "follow" button on someone's page. I have almost a thousand people I've followed that way, from all over the world. But one doesn't see many tweets made by most of these people, as they will not show up in my feed. Twitter's algorithm curates that for me, and selects ones while suppressing others. 

The second kind of follow consists of people whom you not only follow in the regular way, but which you have checked the option on the bell icon on their page, to put them into your notifications feed. For these folks, you a little message on your phone app every time they tweet, just as if you got a text from them. You can go to your account and click an icon that shows only tweets from these folks. It's your feed inside your feed. 

I have fewer than ten people who are on my notifications, at any given time. I am constantly adjusting the people on it to get the specialized mini-feed I need at any point, as I need it. Leading up to the election, it consisted people talking about polling data.Then as the election got underway, and in the days after, I followed people who are knowledgable about actual elections in certain states, and how votes are counted in them---the data people, I call them.

Now the number crunchers aren't important as much anymore. We're way past that phase. These good folks, patriots on our side, have interesting opinions, and follow them, but they are at best as good as mine at this point.  Some of them are having discussions about the general future the Republican Party. Fascinating, and I do read them, but my priority at the moment is direct factual information, straight from the source.

Here are some of the accounts on my notifications at the moment:

Donald Trump

Donald Trump, Jr.

Eric Trump

Rudy Giuliani

Mike Flynn

Ron Coleman

Jason Miller

Until last week I used to have Thomas Wictor, er I mean his good friend Carlos Oswedo, in my notifications as well as his comrade Brian Cates, who are the people who helped me see Trump for who he really is, and also see what he has really been doing during his Presidency. But they have been kicked off twitter for thought crime. Thankfully they are still on other social media channels. Also Brian has a really devoted follower account who sprung up right after he was kicked off, that shares links to Brian's other information channels, and expresses opinions that are very much in line with Brian. His twin brother Duane Cates is the last one among them on Twitter, still pitching fire in terms of the bigger picture of what is going on.  I recommend following him and reading his threads. 

I very much enjoyed Scott Adams in the lead up election, including his daily morning Periscope briefings. He was invaluable and giving the straight dope on the persuasion battle of the election, which is his specialty. Certainly there is a necessity for persuasion ahead. But now it will be about persuading through hard evidence.

I still have Adams in my notifications, but he is an onlooker this point. In this sense, he is a good bellwether.  Politically he has always claimed to be "to the left of Bernie." After the election, I expected Adams would turn soft. He is a good skeptical man by nature, and dismisses many things as Cognitive Dissonance. He thinks we are moist robots, programmable by everything around us, and easily fooled as to what the truth is. He thinks we live in a Simulation. I figured in a few days he would tell people that although it appears fraud happened, we cannot prove it and we will never know.

But no. He is standing firm like a patriot. Trump retweeted him today. Adams is convicted of the idea that massive fraud happened. He is a Trump fan, and after almost giving up, he now gives Trump a 95% chance to pull off a victory in the end, even though he confesses he doesn't know how. But the truth---not a truth, but the Truth---is visible enough for Adams to see. He is testifying to it, as we all are on our side. 

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