Saturday, November 14, 2020

Sifting Out the Hearts of Men (and Women)


1800 hrs EST

Today was a great day. The skies opened up today over the battlefield allowing for massive bombardment in preparation for big advances next week.

The MAGA rally in Washington went off spectacularly. A true peaceful protest. Puts to shame every Antifa crapfest for the last year. Next one will be even bigger. Great for morale. I watched several hours of the live feed on RSBN.

There are no more shy Trump supporters. 

Twitter was buzzing about Congressman Louis Gohmert's assertion that the offices of Scytl, a Spanish firm tied in with the vote counting, were raided today in Germany and that servers were seized. Interesting video here. It's a video made by a guy named Patrick Gunnels. A great patriot. His entire channel consists of reading threads and articles by others. Because of him we have video versions of many threads from Brian Cates and Thomas Wictor that were scrubbed from the Internet when their Twitter accounts were permanently suspended last week.

It is clear Dominion software and other components of the electronic voting system were key to the crime. The President is laying down carpet bombs of information using Twitter in preparation for the revelations to come. He is educating the public so we will understand what we are about to be told.

He called out the farce of the Georgia recount, as expected. As I mentioned, having a phony recount works for Trump at this moment. The public is educated even more, learning that Republican governor Brian Kemp is a rotten snake, tied in closely with Dominion. Things are converging around him and all connected with this. Imagine being the Republican governor of Georgia at this moment in history and not stepping up to the plate to help save the country. What a waste. MAGA will never forgive him. I don't even think they will care much if Stacey Abrams beats him next election. Perhaps Vernon James, who is stepping up big time at this hour, will run and beat her. MAGA loves him. But who knows Abrams' fate after this. In two years she might be governor or she might in federal prison.

Other people coming out this looking really good? Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota. Her stock is way, way up. I take back everything I said about her. She has said South Dakota has no intention of complying with any nationwide mask mandates, as proposed by the wicked usurper Biden.  


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