Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Why I Believe Trump Still Has This

 This is the week of presenting evidence in the various states, one-by-one. Trump is making the case to the public that there was mountainous, outrageous, outcome-shifting fraud in the elections of the six contested states. This started with Pennsylvania, and then went to Arizona, and now we are in the second day in Michigan. It may not be necessary to hold such hearings in all six states. Nevada is next I think. It will very good to have one there. In Georgia, the bad guys are still doing the fraud in real time, which is rather pathetic, as certainly any destruction of evidence at this point will only contribute to their punishment when this is done. In Wisconsin, the State Supreme Court may step up and save the day. 

Once one state jumps in the water and declares there was fraud enough to overturn the state-level results, then it will make it much easier for other states to follow suit, and (one would think) for the Supreme Court to make a bold decision if necessary.  

In the end we are down to recovery enough of the Electoral Votes stolen for Biden by fraud. At least 37 clawed back away from the clutches of the thieves will save the day,  and the nation, pure and simple. This is Trump's raw goal in a nutshell. Next level goal would disqualification of all six of the states if necessary. That would leave Trump 232-226 over Biden heading into the Electoral College vote (i.e. Trump would have more votes, even as neither had 270).

What's next, after the parade of states? I can only guess. I might think part of the plan involves the idea of Trump coming forth as the President (not a candidate) and disclosing the evidence (collected through military intelligence and with FISA warrants) which proves that the frauds in the various states were coordinated, and moreover done with the help of foreign governments and entities. He will prove that the nation's electoral system came under foreign attack during the election, with assistance of many domestic actors. Then it will be very serious. Then it's slam dunk for the legislatures, even the balky ones, to refuse to authorize EV for Biden. Only the outrageously treasonous would dare opponent disqualification of Biden at that point.

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