Sunday, December 20, 2020

Trump: "We've Got it Made"


Dec. 20 -- Trump calls into "Uncovering the Truth",  hosted by Rudy Giuliani and Dr. Maria Ryan on WABC Talk Radio in New York. (link to audio [5:06])

Trump, to Dr. Ryan: "I call[ed] in to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas. As you know, Rudy and his team, and myself, and a lot of other people, and frankly millions all over the country---we have uncovered a voter fraud, the greatest voter fraud in history. It's the most corrupt election this country has ever had, by far...

We've already found the answers. Now we have to get the support from some politicians. Other than that, we have it made. I think we've come. a long way in a very short period of time. "

Giuliani: "Mr. President, I just issued a challenge. I said to the Democrats: 'If you're so sure that we're lying and making this up, how about letting us examine the six counties? We'll examine them in open, in public, and let's see who won.'"

Trump: "Right. The machines, number on. And very machine that we've looked at, you know what the results...have been....[A]lso the signature verifications. Let us see the signatures in Fulton County in Georgia, and a couple of other places.... You'll find that hundreds of thousands of signatures either don't exist or were fraudulently written...

"...It's a very difficult thing because of the Governor and the Secretary of State [of Georgia]. But...on Monday they're starting signature verification...but they're not starting it in the right location. They're starting them in areas which are not very troubled. We'll still find a lot even in those areas..."

The six counties are presumably:

1. Maricopa County, Arizona (population 4,485,414)

2. Clark County, Nevada (population 2,266,715)

3. Wayne County, Michigan (population 1,749,343)

4. Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania (population 1,584,064)

5. Fulton County, Georgia (population 1,063,937)

6. Milwaukee County, Wisconsin  (population 945,726)

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