Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Re-Constitutional Convention is Underway

 Today I felt my attention in the matter of the Stolen Election of 2020 turning back to the mechanics of the crime. The broad outlines of the crime were seen by many of us on the night of the election and the days that followed. What we've been exposed to, via the hearings in the states led by Giuliani, is proof the low-level human actions that expose the pattern of the fraud. 

At this point some things come into focus and we can begin to ask how exactly were the results hijacked? In Georgia it seems obvious that running stacks of paper ballots multiple times through a machine, and adjudication of the ballots to alter the recorded result, were likely the source of much of the phony Biden numbers. We will learn more in the days ahead, but at some point I think we will have a clear picture of the crime on that level. It certainly makes it possible to suppose that any forensic inspection of the machines or the paper ballots will easily reveal that Trump actually won these states, and thus won the election on November 3.

Still to come, and to be introduced by Trump at some point, is how these actions in various states were coordinated, and how this was done under direct influence of foreign powers.

Through this I wander during my walks in the desert, feeling as if every good American patriot should be composing his or her own amicus curiae brief, at least in ones thoughts, about whether a State can sue another State for the reason that Texas is suing Pennsylvania at the moment.  In a sense it is not just the learned and wise members of the Supreme Court who must decide these issues. We must all participate in some level. We must all think like James Madison a bit. 

We are having a make-shift on-the-fly Re-Constitutional Convention. People are waking up the idea that we are not just defeating the coup but reclaiming the meaning within our founding documents, and revealing the genius of what is already there. It is a treasure we have had all along.

Trump knows that as President, ultimately it is up to him to save the country from an attack like we suffered, so I am confident he will do that. At every step of this we are getting something incredibly valuable that we could not have expected, for example exposure of all the corruption and the revealing of the cast of the Swamp that must be drained. Now we are getting the Spirit of 1787 back. I never thought it would come back in my lifetime, but here it is. The Spirit was inside us all along because it is identical to the Spirit of Truth. It took a long time for us to rediscover this, but now that it is here, it is not going away.

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