Friday, December 11, 2020

The Cyber Pearl Harbor

The long-term project to hijack American elections seems to have emanated out Cuba and Venezuela, with the Venezuelans in effective control. They "perfected" the system within Venezuela to counterfeit re-elections Chavez and Maduro. On Nov. 3, 2020, the United States experienced a "Cyber Pearl Harbor". 

Key Venezuelans in the project listed here:

Jorge Rodriguez -- Communications Minister of Venezuela. Cuba's main rep in Venezuela since Chavez. The effective CEO of the election stealing project. Mocks the U.S. daily on Venezuelan television.

Khalil Majid Mazoub -- Venezuelan of Lebanese family. Right-hand man and business front man to Rodriquez. Effective COO of the election stealing project.

Antonio Mujica -- CEO of Smartmatic and the face of the company. According to a 2006 CNN report, several months before a Venezuelan election received a small business loan from the Venezuelan government to start the project. The Venezuelan government owned 28% of the stock of a company he started with his partners called Vista that adapted software for he Smartmatic machines before the 2004 Venezuelan election. A Chavez government minister was on the board of directors. The Chavez government gave Smartmatic and Vista a $91 million contract to run voting machines for the 2004 election. In 2005 Smartmatic of Florida (based in Boca Raton) bought Sequoia of California, one of the largest voting system companies in the United States for $16 million. Smartmatic of Florida was owned by Smartmatic of Venezuela through a chain of two holding companies in the Netherlands and in the Dutch Antilles. The U.S. Government did not review the 2005 purchase of Sequoia by Smartmatic of Florida.

Gustavo Reyes Zumeta -- American-born Venezuelan co-founder of Smartmatic and its technical creator.

Over time project was assisted with lots of money from the Chinese Communist Party, and from American and Globalist billionaires, including Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros. It has also operated with cooperation from high-level members of the Democratic National Committee. It has employed its financial resources to gain great corrupt influence over government officials and court officers in many U.S. States and on the county level in some cases. Top-level corporate officers in various U.S. media organizations are also aware of the project and have used their influence to ensure uniform media support for it. 

As a whole, the project relies on the use of electronic voting system to alter the outcome of otherwise close elections. The art of the theft involves stealing the election in a believable-enough to cast doubt and bestow legitimacy on the (criminal) winners.

The project was still in a modest phase in the United States when it got caught short in 2016 by Trump's victory.  After that a resolve was made to increase the project to the level necessary to prevent Trump's re-election in 2020. 

The project was in danger of failing on election night because Trump swamped them, despite everything they did to stop him. In a sense, the American people already have saved the nation (by seeing through the lies about Trump and voting him into a second term in a massive landslide). 

Unable to accept defeat a second time to Trump, they chose instead to increase the election theft to ridiculous extremes. They would depend on the media to tell everyone that Biden's counterfeit victory was legitimate.

At the moment we are waiting to see if the Supreme Court will stop this attack on the Republic. If not, then it will be up to the final government institution responsible to save the nation---the President of the United States, whose current term expires in forty-one days.  

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