Sunday, December 27, 2020

A World Run by the Smart People

One of the misconceptions about Communism is that it is about economic redistribution.  This is only one aspect of Communism, the importance of which varies from age to age of history. Right now in America, the classical Marxist redistribution of wealth is only part of what Communism is about. American Communism, which now dominates the political dialogue in the media and in both political parties,  includes economic redistribution as only a part of which it is seeking to achieve at the moment.

What is Communism always about, no matter what time of history we are talking about? If not economic redistribution in the old Hammer and Sickle model, what does Communism mean?

Communism is essentially the idea that the society, and the world as a whole, should be run by the smart people who have good ideas. Communism is the organization of this concept into political action that transforms society..

No matter era we are talking about, even before Marx, Communism always means the Rule by the Smart. What Smart People want at any given point in history varies from era to era, as the needs of society change. Right now it pretty obvious the things Smart People want.

One feature about Smart People is that being more intelligent, they are more able to distinguish Good from Evil.  Being more intelligent, they are more rational and thus they tend to move towards Good and away from Evil. Some Smart People choose to be Evil, which causes great harm to humanity, but most Smart People are Good.

The true Evil in society comes from the Stupid People. Stupid People are less able to distinguish Good from Evil, and thus on the whole, Evil arises from the masses of Stupid. Alas there are more Stupid People than Good People, but the situation has been getting people through universal education. Education is the process of transforming Stupid People to Smart People, and thus making them from Evil and towards the Good. 

Most Smart People who are not bent on Evil tend to share a consensus of political values which are based on Reality. Stupid People, who tend to be Evil, base their opinions on falsehood.

Smart People thus can recognize each other by the political beliefs. One way to know if you are smart or not is to compare your political beliefs to other Smart People. 

Likewise one can easily recognize the Stupid and Evil People by their political beliefs as well.

The surest way to identify a Communist is to talk to them for a few moments. Inevitably they will begin complaining about the Stupid People. It's their obsession. If only the Stupid People would go away, the Smart People could remake society in a way that would do away with so many of our current social ills. Perhaps it would not be paradise on Earth, but it would be a lot closer. 

The more things in the world that are run by Smart People, the better. We should not only increase the number of Smart People in society (which is measured by democratic elections), but we should increase the influence of Smart People over as many things in society as possible. We should be bold in remaking society under the guidance of the Smart. The only thing standing in the way are the Stupid People, or our collective will use political action in a Smart way.

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