Friday, December 4, 2020

One State Can Flip Them All

 In the game of probability of states flipping, the odds that any given state will flip back to Trump are independent, but depend on what happens in other states.

It's reasonable to say "one state can flip them all," because proof of enough fraudulent or illegal ballots in one state, that changes it to Trump would at this point be compelling evidence for the same to have happened in other states.

This is also despite the evidence we haven't yet seen, that Trump may reveal. I would expect that kind of evidence to come out early next week, if it is to do so before the Electoral College. That will give one last chance for the legislatures to do the right thing. We are seeing the unmasking of some of them, just as we saw the unmasking of governors.

Trump is exposing all the rot and fraud at once. It is beautiful, like seeing the debris from a receding tide.

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