Monday, December 14, 2020

What Will We Learn Tomorrow?

 Seven states send dueling slates of Electors! New Mexico joins in. I'm over the moon. This is the coolest thing ever. Even hapless soon-to-be-deep-trouble Biden tonight eluded to the fact that the Vice President stands between him and the Presidency like an impenetrable wall on January 6th. 

The Electoral College votes in the state capitals having come and gone, and the state officials having sealed their fates, Trump will now destroy them and Biden.  I have no sympathy for Biden. Don't tell me he's a good person who got caught up in this. We're going to find out what a horrible human being he is. It's not going to be pretty. Among other things we're going to learn that he is treasonous against the country. He will go down as the worst Vice President of all time retroactively.  He's already an uber criminal, and his participation in the attempt to thieve at least six states from Trump (seven if you count New Mexico) by counterfeit ballots just seals his judgment as one of the worst Americans of all time. Soon he will be no concern to us. 

No, Joe. Thieves don't get to win electoral votes. You are a common thief. You lose.

We're going to learn all about how the election theft was attempted from Trump as well. We are already being given huge pieces of the puzzle daily. 

This morning I woke up to the SolarWind hack and the Dominion machine audit from Michigan where the machine had a 68.5% error rate in tabulating votes. I type this in the evening from our hotel having learned that the FBI and Texas Rangers have raided the SolarWind offices in Austin and that Arizona is launching a forensic audit of the machines in Maricopa County. 

I'll go to bed wandering what weird amazing thing we will learn tomorrow, that will change everything again. 

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