Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Establishment. Never. Stops.

Dank Hillary meme.
Establishmentology 101:
Clintons. Don’t. Stop.  They never admit wrongdoing unless it’s part of their plan, and they have no shame about malfeasance. A federal indictment is little more than a speedbump to Queen Hillary.

No kidding. As an Insider, you don't get the option of quitting. You are the front-line of control.  To do so would mark you as an unworthy of being an insider. Not only would you screw yourself, but your family line would be persona non grata as well. You don't throw in the towel because it would make people feel better. You don't do it because the polls say so.  No one's opinion matters. If you are going to be removed, then you have to be carried kicking and screaming away from the levers of power. They belong to you. Act like it. Most of the time people will give in and let you keep control.. Always win.

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