Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hashtags Or Bust

100,000 Tweeters can't be wrong! The Sanders victory in Indiana seems poise to give his campaign enough juice to keep the fires burning at least through California, no matter how bleak the numbers actually look. After resisting criticizing Clinton for so long, the die-hard followers of Sanders have had enough, and have begun to parrot the rhetoric coming from Republicans only a year ago---that Hillary is a Nixon-like criminal who is not qualified for high office. The next ten weeks look to be a brutal slog of increasingly shrill insistence that Clinton step aside for the good of the country based on (1) her criminality, (2) her health, and (3) the fact that she is going to get blown out by Trump in November.  The fear among many Democrats is that because Hillary will certainly be the nominee, that criticisms of her are going to make (3) a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Sanders faithful seem not care about this argument, or simply live in denial of Hillary, as she doesn't exist and  is going to go away somehow on her own. They have just seen a revolution take place in the Republican Party. Are the Democrats doing to let that happen, without having an overthrow of their own ruling clique?

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