Saturday, May 7, 2016

Democrats Getting Blown to Smithereens in the War of Dank Memes

If you haven't been following the /r/The_Donald subreddit, then you have missed much of the essence of how we got where we are.*

This was marked "Certified Dank" by the mods at /r/The_Donald

One meme to rule to them all

What 21st century democracy looks like

*Despite what this Washington Post article wants us to believe, Bernie Sanders is a distant second place when it comes to the dankness of his memes.  This reflects that his campaign and movement has tried to straddle being both an insider and outsider, and effecting a gentle half-revolution instead of a full one. The article is typical of recent liberal denialism about the reality of the situation. Certainly Sanders has run rings around Hillary Clinton, but that was not hard not to do. Likewise the /r/SandersForPresident subreddit has become hollowed out and over-earnest, often dominated with posts exhorting people through shaming not to give up, and to do more phonebanking and give more money to Bernie. In response, the /r/The_Donald "shitposters" routinely mock this by bragging about having made and donated "0 calls and 0$" to the Trump campaign. Worst of all, the "Berniebots" (as the /r/The_Donald calls them), sensing their movement is winding down, are now leaping into the fray alongside them to attack Hillary Clinton with gusto. As a result, to the horror of the Social Justice Warriors, the /r/The_Donald is now routinely on the overall front page of Reddit, and even dominates it at times. 

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