Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Golden Age of Mocking Leftists

When Kamala says: Bring equity to race
We will Heil! (pffft) Heil! (pffft) right in Joe Biden's face

Yesterday was J's birthday. "What a birthday to remember," she joked. In addition to all that went on in Washington, D.C., we also found out that her stepfather tested positive for the virus. He went in after having symptoms. He's advanced in years, and not in particularly good health, so he has been wearing masks constantly. So much for that. 

He thinks he got it from a previous visit to the testing center, when a woman next to him was hacking and coughing. In any case it's a probably a real case, and not a fake one, as the big globalist health organization is now admitting the case numbers may be vastly inflated. They issued the press release within hours of Biden being sworn in. Someone on the underground social media forum commented that they will probably change the testing procedure now and the case numbers will case. Dear Leader Joe saved the day!

This is the way Leftists think. Actually results don't matter. They aren't intelligent enough to understand the difference between words and reality, I've come to see. All of my Leftists former friends are in this category of rank stupid. Looking back, I have little respect for their intelligence, after years of trying to find common intellectual ground. It was a pose, I now realize. I knew that my cohort (including the current Vice President) are poseurs and fakers, and I've understood why since I was a child, but part of me didn't want to believe it. Now it is revealed in the stark light of day.

J was working remotely, and between the business calls and the personal well wishes, she tallied three that people (all of them women) told her something along the lines of "it being an especially hopeful day."

 One of the well wishers who said this was a co-worker whom she barely knows. We laughed about that. I've gotten the same thing from the Portland folks I used to work with. What it must be to be a Leftist and issue that kind of blather to someone else. They assume that if you are reasonable person, you agree with them about everything. You are a conformist to their idea of "goodness."

Only words count. That nothing they do actually solves any problems, but only makes things worse over time is not of concern to them. It's about making a statement, you see.

We need to make a statement that such-and-such is good, and such-and-such is bad.  It is a parody of meaning. But they cannot wrap their minds around this because they are surface thinking. Their knowledge is a parody of knowledge and learning. 

Their motto, which might as well be the motto of my cohort, is the famous alleged quote by Einstein, "imagination is more important than knowledge." What Einstein perhaps meant by that in the context of physics, if he indeed said that, I think I know. What it means to Leftists is they can ignore reality and simply redefine the world into what they want. 

This kind of thing demands absolutely conformity to the "imagined" outcome. They can't stand verbal dissent.  They can't stand being mocked, because they are an empty shell. It's going to be a grand time for mocking them.  They bought this outcome. Now they get to pay for it.

If the Leftist movement were in its vibrant youth, with muscular energy and strong momentum as it was in the middle Twentieth Century, I would feel scared about the future. But Leftism is a limp-wristed shell of itself. They remind one of the ornately clad Persian sissy-warriors who fled the battlefield leaving their Emperor unprotected once they met actual opposition. 

They know we are stronger, which is why they won't actually do anything substantial to us. They will talk as if they can march all 75 million Trump voters off to re-education camps. They can only snipe at us and try to passive aggressively take us down the way junior high school girls do to each other.  

Their attempts to cram Communist thought-training down our throats will inspire the most delicious mocking of all time. Subjected to this heavy-handed browbeating, young kids, at least the ones who are not mentally ill, will understand intuitively that everything about their movement is fake. We will win converts to our side in increasing numbers each day.

Their inability to get to us will infuriate them. We'll show you. You will be made to say the words of our consensus reality. We will unperson you, cancel you, and drive you out of society if you do not comply.

Yet we don't need their media anymore, which is exposed as phony. After a six months of North Korean-style hero worship of the new criminal regime, the only one watching them will be people stuck in airport lounges.

Their social media platforms are declining in power with each passing day. Being exiled from these online spaces was a godsend. We will bypass them, as we will bypass the old media. We will make them irrelevant.

As I've mentioned, ten years ago many of us in the American Revivalist movement thought we were a tiny number trying to "wake up" the American people. Now we are awake. Everyone on our side is laughing at them. We are going to enjoy the laughter.

Does this sound mean? Perhaps but it's war now, one they declared on us. We have actually been holding back until now. I have tried for years to build bridges to them, but not a single instance has worked. They got every chance possible to avoid the insanity they have fallen into. Finally they signed on to the theft of a presidential election. 

I have Leftist former friends, people I used to be very close to, whose company I still miss at times. But there is no way I could speak to them in the near future without an apology on their part. It is not because I need that for my ego, but because I don't trust them. I know from experience that Leftists will feign an attempt at peace when in reality they are looking for some kind of angle to attack you. They want you to open us and admit your thought-crime, so they can smugly say,  I knew he was one of them.

Until they break out of their trance, however, expecting apologies from them is like expecting a vampire to hand you a crucifix. They can't do it, because apologies are words, and words are everything. That''s why I demand one---because it is the only way to make sure they have gotten over their mental illness. Ironically if they offered a true apology, I'd be the first to say "That's ok, I fell for their lies too." Our side doesn't punish. They have to punish because their conformity of speech, and the pretend world they think they can imagine into being, is all they have.

You want a statement? I got your statement right here.

1 comment:

Andy said...

"big globalist health organization is now admitting the case numbers may be vastly inflated." - can you provide a link? I have not seen that.