Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Beyond Trump

 As I paced on the sand of the wash this morning, I ruminated on the catastrophe that had befallen the nation.  The President's farewell speech the day before, the las tone from the White House, had made no sense to me.

As a historical record of his achievements, it was a perfect outro video that future generations can watch to understand what happened. But as encouragement for his followers, it felt like a disaster. 

He spoke with pride about his having restored the connection between the American people and the government. He elaborated on that. I felt stunned hearing him say this, considering how I and a good portion of the country felt. We felt just the opposite.

Nothing about both the Democrats and Republicans being universally crooked surprised me. That much I had known and absorbed long ago. We all knew they were out to get him, the outsider candidate who came from America, and not filtered through the Globalist acceptance ranks, trained to serve the World first and America second, because the President of the U.S. must be a World Leader first.

What surprised me was that they beat him. Apparently they did. Even seeing it coming, for several years. It was obvious after 2018 in the California House elections, what they would try. It was on a breathtaking scale this time, but nevertheless he knew they would do it. He saw it coning.  He warned us on election night, in the wee hours after the returns had come in, when in any other year the networks would have declared him the winner. He could he have failed?

Nevertheless he did, it seems. Yet during the speech in his voice was confidence in what he had done. At the rally in Dalton, Georgia on January 5th, he had stated flatly that restoring election integrity would be his greatest accomplishment. At the time we thought we understood what that meant. It meant proving he had won in a landslide on November 3, and stopping the crooked Biden-Harris usurper-thieves from taking the oath of office.

Of course the next day we were hijacked again, in the grandest possible way, when the bold protestation of Arizona's electoral votes----my vote---was interrupted by the still-mysterious trampling over the Capitol. Whatever it was, the optics had given the Left all the blood they needed to go insane with glee at their justification to destroy us. No Trump Second Term now, of course.

Was that it? Was January 6th the point at which Trump actually lost, and did he lose it because of the Capitol stampede? If so, that's quite a tragedy, one that America may never get over, as it will leave a wicked cabal in the White House and in control of all levers of government. America has never had anything like this happen. It is quite a wound for us to suffer it.

But something about that is still fishy too. It is almost as if Trump knew it was going to happen, and purposeful let he and his followers be blamed for it. But why? The result was the bizarre lockdown of the District of Columbia and its occupation by 30,000 troops, now under personal command of Joe Biden apparently. Did Trump engineer this occupation by leveraging the Democrat's predictable demand for security, which otherwise they would have ascribed to Trump's madness?

Why the troops? What was the threat? Did Trump save the country in a way that we don't know about by preventing something that would have otherwise taken place? For that he leaves the stage and hands the government over to traitors and crooks.

How could he do that? Did he never have enough "proof" that he won the election in a landslide? Was he prevented from releasing the dirt on Biden, that would have forced Biden to cave and concede, by some force? Do they have something on him? Did he keep that information close to vest out of some strategy that only he knows?

In light of his claim at the Georgia rally that he would deliver on cleaning up our elections, the part of his farewell speech where he asserted he had done something close to it felt downright sickening and bizarre. He must have known how we would hear it, given the information we have available.

To say there are things Trump knows about the situation that the rest of us don't know is to say that water is wet. Of course that is true, and perhaps we would understand in a heartbeat, if we too could see the information he knows.

But it sure feels like a bummer. It feels confusing. As the creepster Biden and broken-down Harris slink about the Capital, Trump is back in Florida, having been greeted by the throngs. We will give him a couple days off, but we will look forward to hearing from him in the near future. What will he say, if anything?

In many ways, I don't mind that he is no longer President. A second term was a beautiful dream, and would have truly restored America, maybe back to before the damage of the disastrous Wilsonian reforms of the early Twentieth Century.  Perhaps we can still get there.  Trump would have been done as President after 2024.. We would have needed to find a way to go beyond him. We just need to do that sooner than expected.

Yet this idea remains, like a taunt in my mind---what if he's right? What if he did fix our elections. We just don't know it yet. Maybe that means that the movement to restore the American Revolution will only get stronger, until its victory is inevitable. We will take a page from the Marxist book, who fought this way through the decades. Now the Left is old and feeble, a ridiculous plastic-surgery-twisted parody of the righteousness that once fueled it. Its youngsters have been show to be poseurs. All of the momentum of history is with us.

Is that what Trump means? He knows he has accomplished this, and it won't matter even if they "get away" with rigging a nationwide presidential election. Moreover they got caught. Yet none of the legal and Constitutional safeguards worked. Was there no one who could defend the Republic?

We didn't get a simple, straightforward Trump second term as President because that would have been too easy for us. We haven't suffered the lash of tyranny enough to scare the beejezus out of us, to make sure we never get close to this again. We are so corrupted in our culture, so degraded, so degenerate, that a tougher road back will be necessary. Perhaps it will take generations, maybe two or three, since it took at least that to get where we are. 

Thankfully the momentum is in our direction. The Woke Tide has crested. Everyone knows what a joke it is. Biden is clown. His administration will seem scary but it will be nothing but a blip. The wretched Paris Accords, a Globalist Trojan horse to formally yoke America into a globalist governance framework, mean nothing. No one will remember them in ten years time.  

Black Lives Matter is a joke. All the television commercials are black people, meaning we are about two months away from the insane Wokesters realizing this is "corporate blackface" and demanding that corporrations never use black people in any commercials.

Universities are shutdown. Most small liberal arts colleges, breeding grounds for Wokester Communists, will shutter in the years ahead.  Everyone knows teachers unions and public education is poison. Teachers don't want to ever go back in the classroom. They want to teach from home using Zoom, with a glass of wine off camera. Schools as we know it are dead.

Pop Culture is at nadir. Hollywood is gone and will never come back. Movie theaters are gone. Pop Music is a pablum, serving mostly as a soundtrack for millennial officer workers and Apple commercials. Rappers mumble in commercials.

Everyone hates all the celebrities. Even the Leftists hate the ones they worship, because Leftist can only hate and cannot love anything. The Twentieth Century is gone. America has no more swill to export via it cultural flatulence.

All of that was necessary to sustain the Left. It's blown up. Biden is a joke, Harris is a shrew, the perfect epitome of my cohort who learned that fakery was more importance than substance. They will leave little mark in history. Trump will leave a huge one.

The momentum of history is with us.

I believe someday we will learn Trump was right about having restored our elections. Someday.

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