Saturday, January 16, 2021

D.C. as Underground Theater

 Saul, the Argentine immigrant who maintains the dissident forum on servers he pays for,  has come to Wictor's point of view: Biden is not going to inaugurated on Wednesday. The massive military presence in the District of Columbia, under the auspices of the D.C. National Guard, is providing fuel for long threads of discussion. Wictor is watching the videos of the troops still pouring in---Florida National Guard troops getting off a bus. Many uniformed troops slipping on the bare floors of the Capitol itself.

A massive fence with razor wire now surrounds the capital. Traffic in the District is restricted in at least fifty internal checkpoints, with traffic restricted in and out of the perimeter.

All this is in plain sight. Wictor rails against "Q-anon idiots "who fell into the Democrats' trap on the 6th. Saul bans anyone who introduces Q points into the forum. No secret inside sources allowed.  

"The view from 30,000 feet," one of them calls it, referring to their method of analysis. It means looking at Trump and who he is, and using the facts that the media is ignoring to draw a logical conclusion. Ultimately such a conclusion is a guess. Wictor is defiant against those salivating for his comeuppance when things don't play out as he predicts. There is a sense we will go on no matter what. All of us wander what life will be life after Biden and Harris over, if that is what happens. 

The gravity of that opens the mind to reconsider again the facts on the ground, and rebuild a conclusion anew, one that may offer hope. One knows that one might be wrong, and that is sobering for multiple reasons. We know that no amount vengeance against us will propitiate our enemies at this point, short of our total annihilation. 

In the meantime, we are all waiting on what those troops are going to do. Are they theater? Most of us are glad we are watching this from far away.

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