Saturday, January 23, 2021

Holy Hopium

 Despite my high spirits, there are moments after I rise in the morning in the dark when it hits me that Biden is in the Oval Office and it feels like a leaden weight.

Then I remember that God is sovereign and that I can put my faith in Him to see us through this. God has seen me through times that would provoke despair and brought me to the other side. This is bigger version it seems, because it involves not just myself, or even the people I love, but the whole nation and the world, and civilization itself. God is still in control on this level. I have put my full faith in Him.

On social media, especially among Trump followers since the election, faith goes by another name: hopium (as in a metallic element named for Hope). Many of the folks on the underground forum and elsewhere use the hopium about themselves in a self-deprecating manner. 

Wictor admits he is spitballing, as he calls it. But he sees interesting things in the published facts. I am not going to share or comment on them. Even if they come to nothing, God will see the faithful through this.

There is a sense that it goes beyond faith in Trump the man, but in God. Over what time scale can we expect God to respond? We cannot know, yet we know He will.

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