Friday, January 22, 2021

Left With No Right

 Q. By using the term Leftist to describe our enemies, does that mean we are on the "Right."

Answer: No. The Left-Right divide is itself a Leftist invention. What the Left usually means by the term "Right wing" is another form of Leftism.

Q. How so?

Answer: Right wing movements are mass movements organized for political action. They seek the building and maintaining of large secular organizations that are centralized, and which spread an ideology throughout a nation or group of nations.

Pro-life tip: If your political movement can be expressed by a fist raised in anger, whether that fist is closed or carries a weapon, then even if you are "Right wing", you are a Leftist movement, 

All Leftist movements glorify something secular. What the Left means by Right wing is the Leftist movements which glorify America itself, or something else that they hate. 

Many on our own side get confused by this, and fall for "Right wing" rhetoric. The Left needs this happen, as it keeps the entire political battle within the field of Leftist rhetoric itself. 

Of course they throw us into the mix with the Right0wing Leftists, and throw all the historically heinous Right-wing Leftist labels at us. That allows them to justify hating us, even though we are not who they think we are. They think we the Right wing buffoons they hold as caricatures in their minds. They've got plenty of examples of it to tell you about, people they have met who are exactly the stereotype. They seek these people out.

In reality the caricatures they imagine as Right wingers are themselves, unrecognized in the mirror. It is their own ignorance, and repressed anger of hypocrisy, projected onto "those people out there."

Q. But isn't the American Revolution itself, which you seek to restore, just another example of this kind of movement?

Answer: No. It was an attempt to create an organizational structure of government which ensure maximum Liberty over time.  This meant it had to be not only decentralized, but centralizing on multiple scales. It was believed at the time that this could only be achieved by a Rule of Law that recognized God as Sovereign, as only God can ensure Liberty over time.

Q. Didn't this result in slavery being allowed to continue past 1776?

Answer: Yes. The system wasn't perfect. Let's acknowledge all the horrible things about America that Leftists (and explicitly Communists) want us to acknowledge, and feel grief over. Let's admit there is a case to be made there that America was horrible and deserves to be wiped from history.

Let's admit this is because we are all fallen and sinful, even those who made America in its founding. We can do better than our sinful natures by appealing to God. This is what the founders did, and this is why America "succeeded," if you believe that it did.

Q. Isn't the attempt to restore the American Revolution (the Revolution of 1776) a Right wing movement by your standard, and therefore Leftist?

Answer: Let's admit too that there became too much of a Cult of America---the secular America that cannot be the Kingdom on Earth, but only an attempt at it. The Cult of America was already well established by the 1840s. The deification of George Washington was followed by that of Lincoln and others.

These were mortal men, however, so deification necessarily required a de-deification at some point, which is what has been happening in America over the last fifty years.  

The Left wants us to think this process is just getting started. They are late to the party. It's been going on for decades to the point where the Founding Fathers have been de-deified to the maximum degree. That is why Trump's July 4th speech at Mount Rushmore felt like a Last Stand. In a way it was. The question is: what becomes of those guys now?

I suggest that America is actually coming back. It cannot be the Old America, which by consensus of what I see in social media threads, is known directly only by people born before 1970, or who somehow came of a consciousness of the world before about 1975. 

This is the America that almost achieved harmony between the races within it, to the point where it seemed feasible that all of that injustice could be placed in the past. That's as close as we got that in my life time certainly.

It is as if we got up the point of "solving our racial problems," but a giant switch happened, which said, "no, you get to move beyond that," and we decided that keeping all the old grievances alive for as long as possible was the right solution.

Q. Doesn't Liberty just mean people starve to death without government help?

So we're back to this canard? Most of us are not Libertarians, if you're looking for that.  Some of us are. Some not.

Some of us believe that t because he world is very different from 1776, so the attempt to restore the American Revolution in 2021 and beyond will not necessary take the same shape as it did then. Many of us, including President Trump, believe in the need for strong Federal government that takes bold action on a national level.  But Trump at the same restored federalism in a way that even his own supporters have yet to realize. The nation of the United States as a compact of States was almost destroyed, but it is now been restored. Unfortunately it let the Globalists invade the U.S. via the States themselves, so now we must fight back against that.

Q. If we can't go back completely to a 1776 model of American government, how will we know what shape to make it going forward?

We can rely on the old models and advice as a starting point, to be sure. But like many people, I believe none of this will work until we recover the spiritual aspect of the American Revolution. This requires humility as a nation, expressed through prayer. It requires begging God to forgive us for getting so off track, and helping us find a way back. God's way forward is neither Right nor Left. 

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