Tuesday, January 26, 2021

All-Time Low

 Yesterday afternoon I went into the rain to inspect the dry wash. On the way back the pounding rain turned into Arizona sleet. As I came up the sidewalk to the gate, I realized I had turned for home at just the right time. 

The half-melted drops pounded hard even through thick legs of my outdoor trousers. With no rain pants on, I was glad to get indoors and sit next to heater, having barely seen the start of the worst of it. From cozy indoors, we watched as the windows facing west became thick with a slushy coating, until one could barely see out through the panes.

After a half hour it turned back into rain, which eventually slackened. By evening the soaking rains had returned, which was comforting to fall asleep to.

J read online that it had been the all-time coldest afternoon temperature ever recorded in this area.

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