Saturday, January 9, 2021

Ten Days

Less than a day after my post about leaving Twitter, I find out that the President's personal account, which is a historical record of his opinions going back over a decade, has been permanently removed from that social media platform, which shall henceforth go unnamed in my blog.

This is the kind of step many of us were expecting. Somehow I welcome it. It cheered me to hear it. Let the attempts at retributions on us come swift and hard. Let everyone see the true face of what we are up against.

I had a great call with an old friend yesterday. He hates both Biden and Trump but held his nose, to use his words, and voted for Biden. I give him a break because he is not a true Cult Leftist. 

He knows I support Trump and whenever it has come up, he has gotten politely angry at me. I let him vent, telling him that I think he is mistaking the President for "the Donald" persona, which is a tool he has used. I know how easy it is to fall for this, so I don't begrudge him that he is still railing against this fictional character Trump created, the way all good Pro Wrestlers know how to do. 

In the past he has waited for me to bring up Trump, before he vents, but this time he opened right. "I have to tell you..." he said, with seriousness. He related how he posted on a friends-oriented social media app that I used to be on, connected to all of our old high school network of acquiantances. He said he posted that in all of his travels around the world, he had never felt ashamed of America until he saw the scene at the Capitol on Wednesday. 

I almost laughed hearing this. No doubt it gots many likes and hearts from people we both know. Thundering applause for his denouncement of the bad man and his follows.

I had none of it on the call.I told him I didn't feel bad about it, given that we just had a stolen presidential election. He could sense the righteous anger rising in my voice and backed down. Instead he asked in good faith what I meant. I tried to tell him a bit over the phone. He said he was truly mystified that so many people thought it was stolen. He was curious. I told him that we saw it with our own eyes.

I learned that he knew nothing about the hearings that had been held in the state. He knew nothing about the thousands of sworn affidavits from witnesses. I knew at that point it would be difficult to explain it to him beyond what I said. 

I told him that because he was asking in good faith, I would make an effort, but that I would only be able to do so after January 20th. He could ask me again then.

I did not add, as I might want to, that maybe I won't have to explain by then. But I don't know. I'm playing a hunch. 

We have ten days now with Trump as President. They are desperately trying to remove him. If they could, Pence would be President. They believe Pence is on their side. They think of him as being a good player. He will quietly fold the tents of the Trump Administration.

The savants I still follow believe, without any inside sources or secret information, that Trump still has this. Wictor thinks the public will soon forget about the Capitol incident.

I think our side will remember it.  Two people were killed. A female veteran who probably thought she was doing something spontaneous and fun, and perhaps had no intention of harming the Capitol. Likewise a Capitol Police officer. The Capitol Police have dirty hands in this incident somehow. Perhaps we will learn.

The pearl clutchers among my old high school classmates on social media who are shocked and horrified at this scene don't care about either of these people. Nor did they care about anybody killed in Leftist riots over the summer.  I am disgusted by all of them. I will not be lectured to by any of them. Any of them that attempt it will receive the full force of fury to their face.

They would love to see a mass causality incident done by someone they can call a Trump supporter. Every such incident lets them accelerate their agenda.

Frankly I enjoyed the scenes of the Congress ducking in their seats, braying about loss of decorum after all that they have done to destroy a legitimately elected President.  We have had a four year coup, and they have the audacity to use that word. Such is how the Constitution ended (for now). But tyranny must have its decorum.

Seventy-five million of us have been told we have no place and no voice in America. We are being taught we have no legitimate means of participating in government of the nation except as acquiescence to everything the want to do.

Over the next ten days we find out what type of country we will live in going forward.

What are they afraid Trump will do during that time?  Don't tell me about nuclear codes or wars. Trump is a peacemaker, one of the greatest of modern times. He has ended almost all of our wars, except for the ones Congress wouldn't let him end.  What are they really afraid of, all of them, whom we now begin to see in a clear light?

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