Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Clinton Sticker on the Back of a Parking Sign, Mississippi Ave Near Knott St.

photo of 6-27-2016
This is the very first (and one of the very few) permanently fixed pro-Hillary sign I have seen so far (I previously saw a bumper sticker on a car parked in a low-income maternity clinic on Burnside). It was one of two that I saw the same morning while making my rounds, about a month ago, the other have been put on the side of the one of concrete pillars that supports the Fremont Bridge. I surmised from the evidence someone had gone through the neighborhood putting them up over the previous night.  The loose haphazardness of the sticker placement (not even fully pressed down onto the sign and concrete) made me think it had been done as  quick sweep through the neighborhood. The one of the concrete bridge pillar has since been peeled off, leaving its scraped residue (although although stickers next to it are still affixed). This one on the sign, right next to the Lyft inspection station in north Portland, seems to have a nice aesthetic placement to it, creating a well-balanced composition of stickers on the back of the sign. So far I haven't seen any others.

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