Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Bernie Who?

In one of the fastest disappearing acts in American political history, Bernie Sanders completely evaporated into the mist of oblivion, as if his campaign had never existed.

Note to former Sanders supporters: Hillary doesn't have to give you a damn thing, understand? You're gonna vote for her and like it. Did you not get the memo on Facebook from that friend of yours, who posted that long righteous rant about it, in the wake of the tragedy, how we all have to unite to defeat the madman?

Sure, go ahead and have a riot in Philadelphia. We're going to have a big fence around the Wells Fargo Arena. The media isn't even going to cover you.

Oh, did you really think there was going to be a "political revolution"?  LOL. Put away all that silly talk. I'm sure you understand there are more important things at stake now.

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