Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Ben Garrison is the most prominent traditional political cartoonist who is pro-Trump. His work has been firing up the folks on /r/The_Donald since the start of the primary season.  My opinion is this cartoon accurately reflects how many Trump supporters see the Left---as completely unhinged and divorced from anything resembling factual reality, stirred only by the hatred of people that they already hate.

In any case, it is now Trump vs. Obama. Hillary is now being sidelined in a weird way. If my experience on Facebook is any guide, this fact alone---that Trump is attacking Obama---will bring down the unholy paroxysms of hate from the Left on a level never seen before, on Trump and anyone who supports him. We have yet to see Peak Hate from the Left.  You don't talk any shit about Barry and expect anything but a flame thrower in response. Heck, even posting this image above would be way out of bounds.

Obama for his part is now facing the biggest political challenge of his career, ironically when he is not even running but is ostensibly retiring. No one has ever come after him like Trump. We'll see how he stands up to it. Personally I think it was a bad decision for Obama to throw himself into the fight against Trump. So far, everyone who tries to play by his rules winds up being destroyed. Obama already looks smaller and weaker.  The ironic headline I might have used for this post was "Donald Trump Threatening to Retroactively Win 2012 Presidential Election."

One certain thing: people are hurting. They are expressing that hurt in irrational ways, as one might expect. I have many, many friends on Facebook that would scream the worst insults at me if I dared express my own opinions as freely as they do. For the time being I've had to take anyone out of my feed who has vented about the latest incident (my Facebook feed is now tiny---I don't see 90% of the people whom I have friended, but check in some from time to time). But I still love them. I don't hold it against them, that we disagree, although I doubt they would feel the same way. We see the world differently, for whatever reason. I'm open to changing my mind, if anyone of them care to explain their opinions in a rational manner. Calling me names that end in 'ist' in any attempt to shame me is not very productive at this point. Much of the anger of the Left is probably related to the fact that these "killing words" are no longer having the power they once did. They can't just draw a swastika on a chalkboard and expect to convince anyone who isn't already singing in their choir.

The downfall of the Establishment Left is going to be very painful---more painful than it was for the Republican Party.  That's because when the Establishment Left is gone, the Establishment itself will be over as we know it, at least in America.

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