Friday, April 22, 2016

How Green Was My Bernie

Map of the 2016 Democratic Primary results, as April 20, following the results from New York State. Hillary Clinton dominated within New York City and just up the Hudson, whereas Sanders took most the rest of the state, extending the territory of his domination from New England down to the shores of Lake Erie,as one might have expected. The population density in New York City ensured a blow out win for Hillary, despite the highly concentrated nature of her strength.*
Scorched Earth Day 2016. Sanders is done. The moral case for his campaign blew up in New York. For his insurgent campaign to work, being behind as he was, he needed to keep winning,  to keep stoking the momentum.

With New York, he failed in a big way, and now both the arithmetic and the moral imperative have left him.  His campaign already has the air of a deflated Macy's Thanksgiving Day balloon.

Overthrowing Hillary would have to be a big deal. To do this, in any legitimate way, Bernie needed what the Chinese call the Mandate of Heaven, to allow him to invoke the moral imperative for a great change of dynasty, and for rebellion, in the face of him having lost the early primaries to her.

It will be up to a trusted Oregon senator, and Elizabeth Warren, to help Bernie transition to being a former candidate.

Camille Paglia, who sees the inevitable disaster that looms for Democrats, should they go through with the Hillary nomination, offers what appears to be the last hope to thwart Hillary: her health.

*Somehow this is reminiscent of the map of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) empire, in the days right before the Fall of Constantinople.

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