Saturday, April 16, 2016

Hillary's Play

 Necho II, pharaoh of the the 26th Dynasty (c. 610 BC – c. 595 BC). He is thought to have begun the digging of the so-called Ancient Suez Canal, or Canal of the Pharoahs. The canal was intended to link the Mediterranean (via the Nile Delta) to the Red Sea. The canal was finally opened either by Darius of Persia (550–486 BC), or possibly later with the help of Greek engineers who solved certain technical issues. This small kneeling bronze statuette here is likely a depiction of him (Brooklyn Museum)  Photo by Keith Schengili-Roberts - Own work (photo), CC BY 2.5,

Hillary's best shot at this point is probably to come clean about the real advantages of electing her president.

Look, America. I feel your pain. I really do. But you must understand that whether you like it or not, the Establishment, as you call it, is a fact of life about the world, and it will go being a fact of life, whether or not you choose to blow up the American wing of it in some kind of self-destructive Tyler Durden fantasy.

That's right. A wing. That's what America has at this point---a wing within the Establishment.

Remember World War II and how it made everyone feel about America, and the goodness of its people? That was awesome, but to make it stick, more than just a few years and to actually spread that goodness, America was going to have to find a way to permanently survive as a world power in the real dog-eat-dog world of history and war, which unfortunately is remorseless, even in what we call peacetime, and is conducted with without regard to ideas like goodness and humanity, but often for very base reasons. 

It happens behind closed doors. It happens in private discussions. Very little of it actually plays out in the open air of democracy. That has always been a fact.

America, to spread its goodness, needed a class of people, of true Americans, who could not only compete in this arena of dog-eat-dog open seas and warfare combat, but dominate it.

And that's exactly what happened. America won. We won---not only World War II itself,  and the Cold War, but the real war of making American values and goodness---democracy, equality and fairness---the basis of a world culture of cooperation, one in which pain and war and want, although still around, because we live in an imperfect world still, nevertheless are receding further and further away as time goes on. If that can't be called true progress, then I don't know what can be.
The group of people, of true Americans who have implemented this goodness from you, the everyday heroes of America, into the permanent fabric of the nation and the world,  and that has made it possible to have this long prosperous wonderful peace, which we can finally solve the issues of social justice that so desperately need addressing, is exactly what you call the Establishment...

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