Saturday, April 2, 2016

Always Keep a Secret

Always keep a secret. No exceptions, ever. 

When one gentleman shares a secret with another, there is no need for the other man to state that he gives his word that he will keep the secret. It is always implied and understood in every circumstance, that he will do so.

The existence of the clandestine guardianship of the Establishment is itself not a secret. One is free to share its existence with as much people as you want. Bear in mind that most people won't have any idea what you're talking about.*

Of the people who do understand you, many will simply want to be a part of the Establishment. After all hasn't it been a great success? Don't you want it to keep going? Do you really want things to change so drastically? Of course, not. And with that in mind, why not just keep the whole Establishment talk between the two of us? Why trouble everyone else? Don't you realize the people need different mythologies than we do? All of this simply proves you are worthy of being one of us. Won't you come inside and sit down?

*Note this is precisely what is different about 2016, in that many people will know exactly what you are talking about. They differ greatly in the course of action moving forward, but is growing widespread agreement about the shape and outline of the Establishment at this point. This is part of the general decloaking of the Establishment that seems to be happening.

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